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Cache problem - No changes after edit PHP file

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I'm editing a module called hcatmenu that came with a theme wich I bought. This module make a horizontal categories menu. I'm using PS


I'm trying to edit this module to get a different behavior, but I'm stuck on this. I edited a PHP file (hcatmenu.php) from the module but I never see reflected this change on my store. But, when I change something from the TPL file it's worked.


I set Force Compile to No and Cache to No in the PS Panel, also I edited smarty.config.inc.php file and set complie_check to true (I read that this option is recommended), but nothing worked for me. I deleted /tools/smarty/compile files (excluding index.php) and nothing.


This module is located in /themes/my_theme/modules/ folder, I don't know if that is important. Finally I deleted ALL CONTENT of hcatmenu.php file expecting an error from Smarty or PS, but nothing. My store is still working good without this module controller file.


Please help!

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Problem solved.


Problem was: when I imported the theme, PS also imported modules to /modules folder. So I have htcmenu module in /modules and /themes/<theme name>/modules. I was editing PHP file from /themes/<theme name>/modules/htcmenu, but isn't that file. PS process PHP file from /modules/htcmenu and TPL files from /themes/<theme name>/modules/htcmenu. In first step PS only process modules from /modules folder, but this modules redirect the 'view' file (TPL) to /themes/<theme name>/modules/htcmenu.

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