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Multiple Flat Rate International Shipping Prices for Types of Items

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Hi, I would appreciate any help with shipping.


I am offering free domestic shipping on all items, and I think I finally got that figured out after getting a flat $5 for all items, but now I'm trying to figure out International shipping, and it doesn't appear to be so easy.


Basically, I want to offer flat rate shipping prices on all of my items, and my items probably break down into 10 different ranges of price. And then, shipping prices for each of these ranges will be determined by what country or country group they are going to, broken down into 3 different ranges - Canada, Australia, and Everything Else.


It seems like what I need to do is create three international zones, have 10 different weights for each zone, give each weight a corresponding price, and then go through all of my items and assign them a weight that corresponds to the cost of shipping I want them to have that is connected to that arbitrary weight.


So, I am mainly concerned about the last step, giving each product a weight, as that would mean going through hundreds of listings manually and editing the weights of items. Is there any easier way to do this, or any way to edit item weights more than one at a time?


thanks for the help

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So, I am mainly concerned about the last step, giving each product a weight, as that would mean going through hundreds of listings manually and editing the weights of items. Is there any easier way to do this, or any way to edit item weights more than one at a time?


First make a DB backup, and do not even try if it looks alien


UPDATE `prefix_product` -- <= replace with correct prefix
SET `weight` = ? -- <= required weight for this price range
WHERE `price` >= ? -- <= replace with the start value of the price range
 AND `price` <= ? -- <= replace with the end value of the price range


For example


UPDATE `ps_product`
SET `weight` = 0.75
WHERE `price` >= 10
 AND `price` <= 20

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