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Customers not receiving email

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Hello all. I just installed prestashop over a month ago and have a live store. I have only one problem, my customers are not recieving emails from my store. The contact forum works fine, that is to say, when they submit a comment it is sent to the store email account. I have already had two customers cancel their orders because they were afraid I would be unaware of their order!!!! Can someone please help me!!!

I am using godaddy for hosting and have read on here that it is terrible and doesn't work with much. However, I have managed to get it working with Search Engine Friendly Urls, SSL Certificates, product import loading, and every other feature that Prestashop has to offer.

I really need help with this. Also, my email was recieving notifcations when orders were made and now it has stoped working. I have email alerts v1.1 installed. Please help!!! I don't want to switch hosting companies, but there has to be a way to fix this! Thank you!!

Also, the problem is not that spam is blocked. I have tried creating accounts with no spam filteres and and adding the store email to the safe list.

Please help!

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Are you receiving any bounce back emails when your store sends out email? Or are your customers receiving bounce back emails when they send in an email? Are you able to send to the email account used in your store, with a regular email client?

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi ,
i get the same proble :

1. When i send a message, clicking on YES, from the Back Office, it says message error.
2. When a customer tries to send a message from the BO, we do no receive the email.

does it have smthg to do with SMPT config,
if so, pls advice how to configure the email address and the BO so that all messages from Admin to customers and from customers to admin can be forwarded to the related email address,

Thank you,

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I have the same issue. Only thing is that first everything worked ok, but after sending message to customer 4 or 5 I got this error. And now I get it all the time.
Message back to prestashop seems to work, since I get e-mail with messages from customers. I also get mail notify about customer purchase.

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You guys may try this solution but i forgot where i found this as it work for this user. But didn't work on my site.
Here example used email gmail/google mail

go to preferences > email

Set my own SMTP parameters. For advanced users ONLY

SMTP server: smtp.gmail.com

SMTP user: [email protected]

SMTP pasword: youremailpassword

Encryption: SSL

Port: 465

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  • 7 months later...

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