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Shipment and fixed prices to chose...

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we are small flower shop. Because we can't to have all flowers in stock, shipment time is the most important think for us... but shipping in PrestaShop is based on price ranges, weight and external carriers. (or we still dont understand it very well :-) )


Is it possible:

1| to have shipment prices depend on shipment time?

2| or simple to have only couple possibilities that customers can to chose, like this:


carrier: Info: price:

Normal; Within 12-24 hours; 5,- eur

SUPER EXPRES; Withis 2-3 hours; 15,- eur


thanks you very much

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Yes, you can set up your shipping like this.


You can set your shipping based on price and give it a price range of for example 0 - 1000 eur.


Create two carriers, Normal and super express, in shipping fees set 5 eur for the price range for one carrier and 15 eur for the same price range for the other carrier.


When you name the carrier you can have the 12-24 hours or the 2-3 hours in the description.


Your customers can now select which one they wish to use during checkout.

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I thougt it is not possible, because when I done it I cant see "carrier" that include shippment and packing price in carrier list (in shop), when I switch shippment and packing price off carrier show up... What am I doing wrong?


thanks you

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It is option in Admin > Shipping > Carriers > Carrier option... it means: To include shipment and packing to shipment price. I can check yes or no. (I dont have PrestaShop in english, so I dont know right name of this option)

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