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module for sidebar

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Hello good morning,


i don't know how to explain exactly but what i am looking for a module which can put sidebars like this in this image attached..


it seems very nice idea.. if we can change those sidebars everytime and it looks fresh..


in advance thanks for sharing your replies..


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It's not a sidebar, it's a background, by seach button you can find a free module to change background image, need "only" someone that can make it for random images or by refresh page...or modify yourself your theme with random background images of your choice, it's possible.


xcuse my "frenchy" english :rolleyes:

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For random background you can put this lines in "global.css"

.fond1 { background: #000000 url('../img/01.jpg') no-repeat fixed top left; }

.fond2 { background: #000000 url('../img/02.jpg') no-repeat fixed top left; }

.fond3 { background: #000000 url('../img/03.jpg') no-repeat fixed top left; }

.fond4 { background: #000000 url('../img/04.jpg') no-repeat fixed top left; }

where "fixed" is at your choice, put images into /img


this lines in "header.tpl" juste after



<script type="text/javascript">

var fondListe=['1','2','3','4'];

document.write('<body class="fond' + fondListe[Math.floor(Math.random()*fondListe.length)] +'"{if $page_name}id="{$page_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"{/if}>');



Images will be different at all refresh of your pages


Enjoy !

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