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Prestashop Logo / Font for developers

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Hi guys,


Quick question really, if any of the Prestashop Team or fellow community members know of a high-resolution downloadable version of the Prestashop logo (preferably in PSD format, Vector, or similar) for developers?


In addition if anyone knows of the name of the typeface used in the Prestashop logo?


I am currently working on quite a large number of Prestashop related projects, from modules to entire websites (see sig!) and it'd be great to know if there was some sort of 'developer kit' available.


This would help myself and others to promote Prestashop and appear much more authentic rather than re-using blurry versions of the logo/brand taken from Google images etc.


Would love an answer on this from someone in the Prestashop Team if possible!





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Mike, I think it should be open and the developers kit that he is referring be released. This is an open source project. I know that Prestashop is a copyrighted product but you can release the logo and tell them what the typeface is and not have to be so secretive about it.


Unfortunately, that isn't a decision I can make personally, but there are some legal reasons for this. This isn't a decision I can make personally, which is why I suggested that Mark contact the person who could very easily make the decision and pass it along to him directly.



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I did find out the information, and that information was that they would like to speak with people who make these requests directly. There are plenty of versions of our logo available by a quick Google search, but there are legitimate reasons why we do not openly publish hi-res versions of our files.


I have no intention of going into the legal details here on the forums, but I would hope that the assistance I've provided you and countless others here on the forum would give me credibility when I ask that you please understand that this is not something I personally control.



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I never said that you personally control this. I just said that you should communicate to us the REASONS why they think this is so fraught with legalities. IMHO, the higher ups at PS don't seem to think of themselves as an open source provider.


I don't see the big deal. If I want to get hi-res versions of Coca-Cola's logos, all I have to do is request a media packet from them. Too bad PS wants to be so secretive.

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I never said that you personally control this. I just said that you should communicate to us the REASONS why they think this is so fraught with legalities. IMHO, the higher ups at PS don't seem to think of themselves as an open source provider.


I don't see the big deal. If I want to get hi-res versions of Coca-Cola's logos, all I have to do is request a media packet from them. Too bad PS wants to be so secretive.


To be perfectly honest, I don't know everything WRT the legality either since I'm not a lawyer, I only play one on TV :P . But I do know one of the issues we have run into is imitators trying to pass their businesses off as being affiliated with us or trying to use the trademarked design for other purposes. For example, there are plenty of very interesting results you can get from a simple TinEye search, such as my personal favorite: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r22646435-Help-with-text-change


I will speak with them again to see if we can find a better way of managing this, but right now I'm just trying to explain in broader terms why this has been an issue for us in the past.



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I don't see the big deal. If I want to get hi-res versions of Coca-Cola's logos, all I have to do is request a media packet from them. Too bad PS wants to be so secretive.


And just to make sure that we're on the same page here, is there a real difference between requesting a media packet from Coca-Cola and contacting the specified person at PrestaShop for our logo files? Please understand I'm not trying to be argumentative, I truly do want to understand where exactly the issue lies because it is my job to fight for these things from the community perspective when others may not necessarily agree.



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Since Coca-Cola is so huge, it woul dbe impossible to control the release of their hi-res images therefore, they release media packets to requestors. The media relations group is the one that handles this and their is no one person to talk to.


Part of the affects of being this open is the fact that your customers see that you are vs. being closed and secretive like you appear now. Releasing a logo is not as risk-laden as you point out as I can get your logo in numerous places, even Illustrator AI versions of it. It's just that it ticks me off that PS "corporate" wants to be an open-source entity but act like a proprietary company. Must be the "French thing" I guess.

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Hi MrBaseball,

I absolutely understand your concerns, but I hope you understand ours from the examples I've posted above. You'd be amazed by the imitators I've seen. That doesn't mean we are at all averse to providing our logos to users such as yourself, we are just hoping to control the release a bit by asking you to go through a single point of contact, as I suggested in my first response above.


It isn't very difficult to find hi-res or Illustrator versions of Coca-Cola's logo either, but that doesn't prevent them from creating and releasing official media packets, does it?



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