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Creating new translation - No flag appears


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I followed the exact process below, uploading two different .gif flags that I created. It seemed to save. However when I got to #3. below, the new flag was not there.

Is something missing from the below instructions?

First, you must create the new language:

1. Go to Back Office >> Tools >> Languages >> Add new
2. Complete the information and click Save.
* Click here for the official list of ISO country codes.

Then, you must fill in all translation fields:

1. Go to Back Office >> Tools >> Translations >> Modify Translations section
2. In the drop-down list, select the part of PrestaShop you want to translate (for example, “Front Office translations”)
3. Click the flag corresponding to the language you have created.

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I found the answer to my language installation problem. As a newbie, nothing can be taken for granted. During installation, I carefully applied 'write' permissions according to the Prestashop Wiki "Getting Started" instructions:

While you have your FTP connected to your Web hosting server, make sure the following PrestaShop folders have ‘write’ permissions (also known as “CHMOD 777” - explanation of file permissions here).

I should have read all about file permissions, but...

...what I didn't know immediately upon sight in my FTP client is that there is CHMOD 755, CHMOD 775, and CHMOD 777. So I zealously applied CHMOD 755, not knowing the difference.

For all newbies... be sure you apply CHMOD 777 (which includes write permissions not only to "owner," but also to "group" and "others").

Administrators: I recommend these instructions be rewritten to:

While you have your FTP connected to your Web hosting server, make sure the following PrestaShop folders have CHMOD 777 ‘write’ permissions (explanation of file permissions here)

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