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After editing product page is broken

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I am using 1.3 version of Prestashop to manage e-shop with more than 90 000 books. I am having problem editing product in back office - after clicking on "save" i get broken page (see attachement) and changes are not saved. I checked error log and there were no php errors (php error displaying is on), it just freezes in this state.


Does anyone know where can be the problem?


Thanks in advance.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I've done some digging in code and found out something...


When I press "Save" in Back Office, these lines of code (in AdminProducts.php) are executed:


public function submitAddproduct($token = NULL)

 global $currentIndex;
 $className = 'Product';
 $rules = call_user_func(array($this->className, 'getValidationRules'), $this->className);


After the call_user_func is called, the function ObjectModel.php class is executed



static public function getValidationRules($className = __CLASS__)
 $object = new $className();
 return array(
 'required' => $object->fieldsRequired,
 'size' => $object->fieldsSize,
 'validate' => $object->fieldsValidate,
 'requiredLang' => $object->fieldsRequiredLang,
 'sizeLang' => $object->fieldsSizeLang,
 'validateLang' => $object->fieldsValidateLang);


And right after creating instance of $className it just dies, I don't know why, but it fails to create a new instance of Product. If someone knows any hints please fill free to write them, I am being really desperate...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Try to turn debug mode on by changing this line in config/config.inc.php to


@ini_set('display_errors', 'on');


Then check if some error appears when you save products.


If you maybe get similar error like in this post try to set memory_limit and max_execution_time.

Thanks for reply! I tried to turn on every debugging there is in the shop (even SQL errors), but there aren't any errors or even warnings, I've checked the error.log and nothing is there... I've already have the highest possible memory and execution time limits set that my hosting provides. I'll try to dig up more if possible :(

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