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[SOLVED] Unique ID not being given to BODY tag on certain modules

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Hi -


I'm developing a new site in Prestashop and am using several modules including 'Image Gallery' and 'Prestapress'.


For some reason when you go to view the front end pages for these modules (so /gallery and /articles) the page's BODY tag is missing the ID which is generally automatically generated (as is the case on other installations with these modules).


Any ideas on what might be causing the BODY ID to disappear?


I'm running version


EDIT: Having looked at some of the code, the tag being used successfully in other places is $page_name. This variable is setup in FrontController.php:


$page_name = (isset($this->php_self) ? preg_replace('/\.php$/', '', $this->php_self) : '');


It seems that for whatever reason on this install and for these modules, it can't find the .php page name to use. I have no idea whether this is something to do with .htaccess or what quite.


Thank you!


EDIT: I contacted one of the module producers and they provided this line of code to fix the issue. Add it to the main module .php file above the line that includes the header.php file - it might look like this:




And above it add the following:


$pathinfo = pathinfo(__FILE__);$page_name = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.'.$pathinfo['extension']);$page_name = (preg_match('/^[0-9]/', $page_name)) ? 'page_'.$page_name : $page_name;$smarty->assign('page_name', $page_name);



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