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Please add a drop down city list in address page

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I agree on the need to have structured, restricted input.


However, I disagree on achieving it through dropdowns...they are time-wasters.


Whether for countries, states/regions, or cities, it might be better to implement progressive search.







Designs to Avoid


Web usability would increase if designers used drop-downs less often. To that end, here are some examples of designs to avoid:

  • Very long menus that require scrolling make it impossible for users to see all their choices in one glance.
  • Menus of state abbreviations, such as for U.S. mailing addresses. It is much faster for users to simply type, say, "NY," than to select a state from a scrolling drop-down menu. Free-form input into fields with restricted options does require data validation.., but from a usability perspective it's often the best way to go.
  • Menus of data well known to users, such as the month and year of their birth. Such information is often hardwired into users' fingers, and having to select such options from a menu breaks the standard paradigm for entering information and can even create more work for users..

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Has nobody got this yet?

I need to implement a drop list containing a list of cities.

I think that this ok with the usability because is a input restriction and it avoid mistakes with the shipping address.

Besides, the progressive search is a plus.

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Me too, I want it so bad. dropdown or fixed input.

I need it for regional shop. local shipping cost are based on cites.

my temporary solution is make state combined with city name. but it is really not practical since customer already enter the city name before.

other temporary solution is to change the use of country become state, and state become city. but I lost the country option.


the point is: I need to connect city to zone so I can set the shipping price, and city input must be fixed first.


can anybody help us?

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Can you not charge based on postal code? A city drop down list would slow things down immeasurably. We have 20k cities in my country divided out by 50 states, can you imagine how hard that would be to deal with on a data level and how much time it would take to load pages.

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Yeah, that would be heavy load :)

well I didn't ask for a global changes on Prestashop. just some modification for specific case. if maybe someone out there have made it. are there?


if there isn't then my temporary solution is still working, it's not pretty but i hope my customer don't mind about it.


Thanks Mr. dh42

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There are a couple of things that I know of that might help, there are services like post code anywhere that implements something similar, you might check them out. There is also a module that works off of google autocomplete that does something similar as well. 

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