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[SOLVED] Help! Vouchers dont working!

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Hello friend. I had updated the prestashop system to version and now is not working the vouchers!


When the customer put it at the box it show a legend with this "01. This discount is not available for this category" (or something similar).


I dont know why is showing this becouse the voucher is marked for all categories of my products! Any idea to dix that ASAP?


Attached is the screen that appears (is in spanish).




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no, the same problem if its shows. really i dont know where is the problem



Can you please try switching to the default theme to see if this is potentially an issue with your theme's compatibility? I just tried this out with identical voucher settings on a test shop and it worked fine for me.





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Hi genexsus,

I've been doing some research on this, and this could potentially be an issue with the ps_discount table in your database after the upgrade. Can you please try deleting the existing discounts there and then create it again in your back office to see if that solves your problem?



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Great, I'm glad you were able to get this working! Sometimes, a small tweak in one spot of the code can change things somewhere completely different without you realizing it, but I usually try to wait before recommending to give people a chance to avoid frustration and find a solution for themselves. I'll go ahead and mark this as solved for you.



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