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Sell item only domestic

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The only way to do this I can think of is if your shipping is set up by weight.


You could give this item a very high weight value. Then set up a new carrier and assign it only to the Sweden zone.

Set up a weight range for this carrier to capture the high weight.

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I have one item which I need to sell only domestic (Sweden). How I have to configure my PS to allow only customers with Swedish address to order the item?


Download the module Retrospect. Disclosure: module is built by me.


Create a user group, e.g., Svenskar.


Add a rule by country "if customer's country is Sweden then make customer's default group Svenskar".


Set all categories to be available to group Svenskar only. (or you can set your carriers to be available to group Svenskar only)


Now all user with addresses from Sweden will automatically be added to group Svenskar during registration.

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The only way to do this I can think of is if your shipping is set up by weight.


You could give this item a very high weight value. Then set up a new carrier and assign it only to the Sweden zone.

Set up a weight range for this carrier to capture the high weight.

Thanks Dave. It is a good creative solution. However, it is not an unified solution. I am going to try (tomorrow) the Retrospect module.

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Download the module Retrospect. Disclosure: module is built by me.


Create a user group, e.g., Svenskar.


Add a rule by country "if customer's country is Sweden then make customer's default group Svenskar".


Set all categories to be available to group Svenskar only. (or you can set your carriers to be available to group Svenskar only)


Now all user with addresses from Sweden will automatically be added to group Svenskar during registration.

Thank you. The solution looks very solid.

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Download the module Retrospect. Disclosure: module is built by me.


Create a user group, e.g., Svenskar.


Add a rule by country "if customer's country is Sweden then make customer's default group Svenskar".


Set all categories to be available to group Svenskar only. (or you can set your carriers to be available to group Svenskar only)


Now all user with addresses from Sweden will automatically be added to group Svenskar during registration.

Thank you for the effective module. One problem: With "Svenskar" it is strait forward, and I did it. But when I go to Back Office > Customers > Groups, I see zero members in this group.

Is only new member will be added to the group?

How I can sort old members to this group?

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Thank you for the effective module.

You're welcome


One problem: With "Svenskar" it is strait forward, and I did it. But when I go to Back Office > Customers > Groups, I see zero members in this group. Is only new member will be added to the group?

Yes, the module is effective from the time it is installed. It does not touch the existing members and this is by design. However "Apply this rule to the existing members" functionality is a very good idea and I will implement this in a future version.


How I can sort old members to this group?

Depends on the number of members you currently have. If you have only few, you can change their default group to the newly created group one by one. Just edit each customer, scroll down and check the relevant group, unchecking others if necessary.


If you have a lot, then you have two options:


1) Slightly quicker, you can manually change them in the DB using PHPMyAdmin or similar. The relevant tables are prefix_customer table, id_default_group column and prefix_customer_group, id_group column. You need one entry in the latter for every group of which the customer is a member. So, say for example, you have two groups with ids 1 and 2 and the customer with id 99 is in both groups and also has group 1 as his/her default group, then the id_default_group column for this customer would read 1 in prefix_customer table and then there would be two corresponding rows in the prefix_customer_group table with tuples (99,1) and (99,2).


2) Use a couple of SQL statements (again using PHPMyAdmin or similar) to change them in bulk. The statements will depend on the id of the newly created group (which you can find under Back Office > Customers > Groups tab) and the ids of the customers you want added to the new group (which you can find under Back Office > Customers tab).

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You're welcome



Yes, the module is effective from the time it is installed. It does not touch the existing members and this is by design. However "Apply this rule to the existing members" functionality is a very good idea and I will implement this in a future version.



Depends on the number of members you currently have. If you have only few, you can change their default group to the newly created group one by one. Just edit each customer, scroll down and check the relevant group, unchecking others if necessary.

Right now I have 1602 customers, all in default group "All". It does not work manually. And I do not like to use PHPMyAdmin, seems too risky.

Thanks anyway.

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In that case... try now, I added the ability to apply a rule to the existing customers.

Thank you for the upgrade. However, I got a strange problem. To get the module to work I have to go to Back Office > Preferences > Performance and change Force compile: Yes Cash: No

Otherwise the new option "Apply retrospectively" does not appear.

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That is because the caching and non-compiling in prestashop are too aggressive and buggy especially in the BO. Turn off the cache and force compile until you install the new version and visit its config page, you can then turn off force compile and turn on caching afterwards. Alternatively delete all files except index.php in /tools/smarty/compile/ directory. If there is a compiled version there it will be used even there is a newer version of the compiled page.

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Sorry for my stupidness, but I still cannot solve a task. With help of this very useful module I made group "Svenskar", added new carrier and bind this carrier only to group "Svenskar". However, it does not help, because customers from countries outside Sweden can choose another carrier and order this item anyway.

What to do? :blink:

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Edit the carrier that is being offered and make it available to Svenskar group only .

Yes, I already did it. But I have a carriers and number of items which I sell to any country. Non Swedish customer can choose the actual item (item XXX) and some other carrier and order it anyway.

The item XXX is a very long. And to ship it inside Sweden is OK, but outside it is possible only with some express service which is unrealistic expensive.

It should be perfect to have possibility to bind one item to one or few carriers. But now I cannot find a such option in PS.

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Whatever that item XXX is, put that item in a category of its own, call the category whatever you want but make sure that the category is only available to user group Svenskar. Now only users of group Svenskar will be able to order that product, regardless of any carrier settings.

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