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Help with VAT

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Hi everybody,

at first, sorry for my bad english.
I found the great PS and wont to use it. I´ve installed and all is great. But in german the
law is crasy. I must have in the card the VAT
see so: Price 100,00 Euro
Vat 19,00 Euro
All 119,00 Euro

or All 119,00 Euro - and then "in the Price ist 19,00 Euro VAT includet"

I hope someone can help me. Oh, i use the latest version of PS


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thanks for your answer. I have a runnig shop and all ist OK.
when i go in my card i see:

Gesamt Produkte: 24,50 €
Gesamt Versand: 5,95 €
Gesamt: 30,45 €

the german law said - this is not OK

i must have:
Gesamt Produkte: 24,50 €
Gesamt Versand: 5,95 €
Includet VAT: x,xx €
Gesamt: 30,45 €

This can you not do in the Shopbackend. Code must insert, but i don´t know.

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You need to see this in PDF invoice or in your costumer shopping card?

I discover that in PDF invoices VAT is OK to me (but all products need to have then tax added). But when You need to see tax in Your shopping card, then its separated place, where we need to add that.

thanks for your answer. I have a runnig shop and all ist OK.
when i go in my card i see:
Gesamt Produkte: 24,50 €
Gesamt Versand: 5,95 €
Gesamt: 30,45 €

the german law said - this is not OK

i must have:
Gesamt Produkte: 24,50 €
Gesamt Versand: 5,95 €
Includet VAT: x,xx €
Gesamt: 30,45 €

This can you not do in the Shopbackend. Code must insert, but i don´t know.

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