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My Products DISAPPEARED! ?

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I have no clue what happened. (oh, and I have tried to search this forum to no avail, and the search sucks on this forum by the way!)


Anyway, I had two catagories with two sub-catagories and I had 8 products on one sub-cat., but nothing in the rest. I then changed some image dimensions in jgallery view and added some more catagores and sub-catagories, that was it. I then went to look at one of my products and WHAMO, NO PRODUCTS showing!! I then went to my BO and they are still there and all have the green check marks, I tried disabling and enabling and nothing. I tried installing a new product and it didnt show up either. I have no idea what happened, one minute they are there and the next not.


My site is localhost so I can not put a link (sorry).


Does anyone have any Ideas on this?





This was fixed. I didnt see anywhere or how to edit the post topic. Anyway it was not a big deal to fix. I forgot that I had messed with the layered navigation block the day before. I dont have a clue what it does and I was trying it out. Well I didnt see any change at all after I entered some stuff and the next day when I uploaded some products and then they just disappeared. The day after I posted this I remembered that I had played with that and I disabled it and WHALA! everything was ok. I guess I need to read up on this module some more:-) I hope this helps someone else.


Also again I have to say that the search on this forum stinks (or I am doing somthing wrong), I can never find the answers that I need by using the search here. I have to go to Yahoo and type in my problem followed by prestashop and then I find topics!! ??

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Pretty sad all the views and not one answer. I see some on here that have 100's of views and no one answers. I guess there are a bunch of nobodies on this forum (or a bunch of leeches, that just want info and dont give a sh*t about the newbies.


Anyway I fixed it and will mark it as such, no help from anyone on here!

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