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[SOLVED] exporting database problem

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I'm using mySQL Administrator to backup a Prestashop database


It gets as far as table 28 - 'ps_connections'


Then stops and I get the error message 'mySQL Server returned this Error: MySQL Nr.0-'


When I export with myPhpAdmin it lets me export the database, but it only exports the first 30 tables.


The ps_connections_page is showing 0 rows - in the original database it has 5,142,528!


Is there a way I can repair the ps_connections table on the database?


I'm hoping it's just this one row that's a problem and not the ps_connections_page too.


Is this really bad? - what does the ps_connections page do?


The shop running the database is working fine, but I came across the problem when exporting the database to the move the shop to a dedicated server.


I hope someone can help?


I've found another post on the Prestashop forum which is similar to mine but this was never resolved.




Thanks in advance



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ps_connections table is populating the visitor statistics you see under stats tab. take a backup of the table and truncate it. Not necessary for any functionality and better to empty it from time to time. When you use BO UI to backup the database you can exclude this table (and some others)

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Hi Phrasespot,


I deleted / truncated these 3 tables, ps_connections, ps_connections_page, and ps_connections_source and the database went from 708 meg down to 108 meg - which is much easier to move!


The site itself seems to running much faster too


Thanks again



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