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Category links if the current category is empty?

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Hi, guys!


I have the following categories in my clothes shop:



-> New Collection

--> For Her

---> T-Shirts

---> Jackets...

--> For Him

---> T-Shirts

---> Jackets...


-> Outlet

--> For Her

---> T-Shirts

---> Jackets...

--> For Him

---> T-Shirts

---> Jackets...




So now, everything is cool but I don't have any products in the parent categories "New Collection" -> "For Her", "For Him" and "Outlet" -> "For Her", "For Him".

Is it possible to put my own HTML on these specific categories?


I'm uploading the idea that I have.. and the text "0 products" makes the people think that there are no products inside the other categories.. hmmm :-(

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