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Advice: Importing large amount of products (Way to fix the 500 Internal Server Error)

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Hi, guys!


My store have ~700 clothes for now, but I'll import +200 every month and it was very hard for me at the start because I was getting the same error everytime when I tried to upload large amount of products.





That's my solution:

1. Delete all stuff from Preferences > Image (after that PrestaShop will not regenerate images anymore).

2. Use Multiple Image Resizer .NET to generate "thumb", "large" and all the images that you want.




BTW, the resizer software is free, very fast and it have Suffix option so you can add -small to every image (I use this software for years, my pictures are ~1500X1000px with very good quality and ~90kb)


So now, when I import or update existing products, categories and stuff.. I don't get the 500 error..


The only bad thing is that I need to resize my images but anyway.. I want best quality with small size of images so it's still better to use the resizer (in my case).


Good luck!

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