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we are finalizing prestashop-openerp integration

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Hi, we are developing an application stack for interfacing prestashop with openerp which would make allow also making prestashop full multistore.

"Is there / is there a module that produces" a complete breakdown of each an every single tax (tax code, no tax desc ) applied to every item on an invoice complete with tax code, amount (without taxes) the tax was applied to, tax amount and amount reported with tax (it may seem redundant but it is handy to avoid rounding errors). It is important as different taxes need to be booked and reported in different accounts when you do book keeping. We are somewhat cooping with prestashop 1.3 (we started development before 1.4 was available, we'll then support 1.3 at the beginning, with 1.4 and eventually 1.5 support later) as there is a limited amount of tax levels (2, product and state) supported. In 1.4 the tax calculation has been improved but it does not seem tax reporting has (or at least we could not find it).

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