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New 1.5 Prestashop theme not displaying product image on product page

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I upgraded to the new 1.5 theme. For whatever reason the product image is not showing up on the product page. You can see thumbnails, but not the main image. Please help me figure out what I need to change! Also part of the thumbnails are cut off. How do I fix both of this issues?


Separate issue... Is there a way to display ALL the thumbnails instead of have the left right arrows?



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Great shop.

Please can you advise where to get the 1.5 download, or can you please send me core files.

Please message me







Here's the link to where the new template is. They released it not long ago and announced it in the prestashop newsletter. It is compatible with the new version of prestashop 1.5 which is not available yet. I figured I'd upgrade the template now and fix it to how I want so I don't have to change it later ;)



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  • 4 weeks later...

I figured it out if anyone else runs into the same problem.


In the back office go to Preferences >Products


Set Enable JqZoom instead of Thickbox on product page: to NO


This needs to be fixed. That is a serious bug. JqZoom is one of my favourite features of Prestashop

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