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[solved] How to get categoryID in header while in product page

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I'm having some problems to get category ID in header.tpl while in product page.


Here is the code i put in header.php


(inspired from http://www.prestasho...name-in-header/ , thanks to his author)


class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore
public function displayHeader()
 $pathinfo = pathinfo(__FILE__);
 $page_name = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.'.$pathinfo['extension']);
 $page_name = (preg_match('/^[0-9]/', $page_name)) ? 'page_'.$page_name : $page_name;
 if ($page_name == 'product' AND isset($_GET['id_product']))
  $product = new Product($_GET['id_product'], false, intval(self::$cookie->id_lang));

  if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product))
self::$smarty->assign('id_category_default', $product->id_category_default);


and the code in header.tpl


{if isset($id_category_default)}{$id_category_default}{else}{l s='Something else'}{/if}


Anybody has an idea why it doesn't work ? My prestashop version is


Thank you very much



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  • 1 year later...



I'm having some problems to get category ID in header.tpl while in product page.


Here is the code i put header.php


(inspired from http://www.prestasho...name-in-header/ , thanks to his author)


class FrontController extends FrontControllerCore
public function displayHeader()
 $pathinfo = pathinfo(__FILE__);
 $page_name = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '.'.$pathinfo['extension']);
 $page_name = (preg_match('/^[0-9]/', $page_name)) ? 'page_'.$page_name : $page_name;
 if ($page_name == 'product' AND isset($_GET['id_product']))
  $product = new Product($_GET['id_product'], false, intval(self::$cookie->id_lang));

  if (Validate::isLoadedObject($product))
self::$smarty->assign('id_category_default', $product->id_category_default);


and the code in header.tpl


{if isset($id_category_default)}{$id_category_default}{else}{l s='Something else'}{/if}


Anybody has an idea why it doesn't work ? My prestashop version is


Thank you very much




Hi, i want to show canonical link in header in header.tpl


 <!-- canonical -->

{if $page_name == 'index' or $page_name == 'search'}
 <link rel="canonical" href="{$base_dir}" />
{elseif $page_name == 'category' or $page_name == 'best-sales' or $page_name == 'cart' or $page_name == 'discount' or $page_name == 'manufacturer' or $page_name == 'new-products' or $page_name == 'prices-drop'}
 <link rel="canonical" href="{$base_dir}{$request_uri|substr:1|regex_replace:'/\/(.*)/':''|regex_replace:'/\?(.*)/':''}" />
  <link rel="canonical" href="{$base_dir}{$product->id_category_default}{$request_uri|substr:1|regex_replace:'/\/(.*)/':''|regex_replace:'/\?(.*)/':''}" />



But {$product->id_category_default} is not accesible from header.tpl

Edited by jlmora (see edit history)
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Hi, i want to show canonical link in header in header.tpl


 <!-- canonical -->

{if $page_name == 'index' or $page_name == 'search'}
 <link rel="canonical" href="{$base_dir}" />
{elseif $page_name == 'category' or $page_name == 'best-sales' or $page_name == 'cart' or $page_name == 'discount' or $page_name == 'manufacturer' or $page_name == 'new-products' or $page_name == 'prices-drop'}
 <link rel="canonical" href="{$base_dir}{$request_uri|substr:1|regex_replace:'/\/(.*)/':''|regex_replace:'/\?(.*)/':''}" />
  <link rel="canonical" href="{$base_dir}{$product->id_category_default}{$request_uri|substr:1|regex_replace:'/\/(.*)/':''|regex_replace:'/\?(.*)/':''}" />



But {$product->id_category_default} is not accesible from header.tpl

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  • 3 years later...



I need to have the category id also in the header, I would like to change the header logo if the customer visit 1 specific category.

Or is there another way to do this?


Please can you explain where to put what code.

I'm using Prestashop


Thank you very much

Kind regards


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