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Update and other questions

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1. What changes are made in the new version?

2. Is there any bugs to be aware of?

3. Is there any tutorial how to update?

4. Payments option. I email them several times www.moneybookers.com, but they reply by email templates only, which has nothing to do with my questions. Very sad.

Please help.


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Hi usagirl,


1: You can see the changelog for version 1.4.5 here: http://www.prestashop.com/download/changelog_1.4.5.1.txt

2: No major bugs reported so far for this version, but you can always check for yourself here: http://forge.prestashop.com/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa

3: The upgrade tutorial is here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/136668-1451-upgrade-guide/

4. What questions do you have about MoneyBookers, and who have you emailed exactly?


I hope this helps.



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The question to MoneyBookers was:

Please let me know the fees and the procedure.

I will probably need to assign my bank account to your system. Am I right?


Here is the answer:

Skrill Holdings Ltd. operates Moneybookers.com, one of Europe's largest online payments systems and among the world's largest independent digital wallet providers with over nineteen million account holders. The digital wallet enables any customer to make online payments conveniently and securely without revealing personal financial data, as well as send and receive money online cost-effectively simply by using an email address. Moneybookers' worldwide payment network offers businesses access to direct payment processing via over 100 payment options in over 200 countries and territories through just one integration.


Just recently our localized Digital Wallet especially for the US market was launched. We’ve been working around the clock to include as many features as possible and make sure this new product lives up to the Moneybookers standards.

Also, please pay attention to the signature, there is no name, just


Kind regards,


Skrill Merchant Services

The Future of Moneybookers

I just wonder how trustful are they?

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