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Problem with order steps

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Hi everyone,


I'm having a problem in getting the check out to work properly. Basically it's stuck on the first step and can't seem get it to move on.


I'm suspecting it has something to do with the carriers, because on my local test when I do a check out, a carrier shows up below the order and it works properly. But not on this one, the carrier never shows and I can't advance. :(


Any help on this will be much appreciated!


Thank you in advance.

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I'm sorry but I'm unable to provide a link online to it.


I've made some progress, found out why could not advance in the order steps, it was due an order value limit that was set and has now been removed.


On this shop configuration I've restricted the Zones down to Europe only and one country only.

Still, I'm unable to select a shipping carrier. It seems that it needs to have two created carriers to display ONE carrier. Odd.


Is there an minimum limit of carriers that you need in order for orders to work?


Thank you.

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