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Importer osCommerce error (date_format_full)

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I have just downloaded and installed Prestashop, and I am testing the osCommerce importer.


After completing all the relevant fields for database connection, import options and languag options, when I click NEXT, i continue to get the below error:


1,the field date_format_lite is required,the field date_format_full is required


I have checked ps_lang, and it is showing the correct date_format_lite and date_format_full for English (id 1 as above), but continue to get the same error with any option... even just trying to import a single type.


Any ideas?

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I exactly have the same problem with the OsCommerce importer.

here is the message:

" 1,the field date_format_lite is required,the fielddate_format_full is required,2,the field date_format_lite is required,the field date_format_full is required "

Please see the attached picture.


I tried to check where those variables in the code but i couldn t find it.

Anyone knows where this error could come from ?


Thank you in advance,


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still trying to find out where to modify the code. May be some admin could give some clues.

Here is the JSON response :


{"hasError":true,"datas":[{"id_lang":"1","name":"Fran\u00e7ais","iso_code":"fr","active":"1"},{"id_lang":"2","name":"Anglais","iso_code":"en","active":"1"}],"error":[["1","the field <b>date_format_lite</b> is required"," the field <b>date_format_null</b> is required"]]]}


Help please !

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i did similar thing, i added 2 fields to my osc database date_format_full date_format_lite and made it this way (line 120 of importosc.php)

$langagues = $this->ExecuteS('SELECT languages_id as id_lang, name as name, code as iso_code,date_format_lite,date_format_full, 1 as active FROM  `'.bqSQL($this->prefix).'languages` LIMIT '.(int)($limit).' , '.(int)$nrb_import);


Also otherway is to deactivate the required fields in classes/langage.php


protected  $fieldsRequired = array('name', 'iso_code', 'date_format_lite', 'date_format_full');
protected  $fieldsSize = array('name' => 32, 'iso_code' => 2, 'language_code' => 5, 'date_format_lite' => 32, 'date_format_full' => 32);




protected  $fieldsRequired = array('name', 'iso_code');
protected  $fieldsSize = array('name' => 32, 'iso_code' => 2, 'language_code' => 5);

Bad thing is that is couldn t import my db yet, i could only import the client lists.

I keep geeting some error, sometimes error 500.

Anyone experiences this ?



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