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Visible code when posting on facebook

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I've been posting certain items on facebook, normally facebook automatically uses the correct item picture and some text of the item, now since today facebook is showing some code like this :


‎// <​![CDATA[ oosHookJsCodeFunctions.push('oosHookJsCodeMailAlert'); function clearText() { if ($('#oos_customer_email').val() == '[email protected]') $('#oos_customer_email').val(''); } function oosHookJsCodeMailAlert() { $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'http://deepdevotion.be/modules/mailalerts...



Is this because of facebook or something i need to change in my shop? It worked before so i think it'll be a facebook change... Any solution would be welcome!

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What module are you using for it?

Can you post a link to a page where this code is showing?


I dont use a module, I just take a product page link and put it on facebook, facebook then automatically gets a product image and some text but in my case the text is the above piece of code, it seems to be code of the "email notification" module standard in prestashop, even if i disable the module this code appears...


You can test it yourself by taking a product link from my website www.deepdevotion.be and placing it on facebook.

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