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New commercial theme

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Hi all, i have created a commercial theme for prestashop v1.1

You can check the demo version here: http://templates.microart-design.sk/

The site is optimized for Firefox 3.0, IE6, IE7, and i have tested it also in Opera 9.63

What you will get if you buy this template:

- full latest prestashop version with template
- photoshop files for customization
- bonus module: header links connected to prestashop cms

all of this just for 66.39EUR for one download.

If there is somebody who want to buy the full version, the unique price is 365EUR
After this purchase i will stop selling this template.

You can PM me if you have interest of buying...



EDIT: You can comment the theme in this thread if you want. I want to know if the theme is good or bad looking. I need your suggestions people. I will create a new theme from them :)


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The theme is defenetly in higher class than anyone out there. But, im woundering why you choose to work with the pink color? I think it destroy the whole fit of the theme.

In my opinion, you make the theam less good with using the pink color. I would prefer a scale of gray or why not a darker brown?

Really good work anyways, keep up the good work!

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Hi Joleyy,

thanks for your reply. The reason why i used the pink color is that i liked it there. For some reason it look good for me, but thats my opinion only. You know 100 people = 100 different tastes. If someone buy this template, he or she can freely change buttons, colors and everything, its easier to change things if you have photoshop files than nothing :)

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  • 2 months later...

If I am an end user who can not do any programming and/or modification, price is like prize. But if I see my own work and modification, it is pretty easy to modify any theme like this. So, to me, being a bit technical hand, this work might not cost 365 euros. But repeating your own words, 100 people=100 different tastes. I might be totally wrong or right with my opinion.

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