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Upgrading to to - Anyone Got Issues?

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Got this from Carl


To facilitate the transition to, you will find below an updated guide for versions ranging from 1.3.x to


Step 1


Download the module automatically update available as attachments below.

autoupgrade.zip (158.99K)

Number of downloads: 12


Step 2


Go to the admin panel> Modules> Add a new module.



And select the archive module's automatic update.


Step 3


Install the v0.1 AutoUpgrade



Step 4


Go to Tools> Upgrade line "Shop desactivated", click "No" and select NO toactivate the store




Step 5


Return to Tools> Upgrade and bottom of the page select the options as below and save.



Step 6


Click Upgrade PrestaShop now. Be patient, it may take several minutes (do not close the page).




Step 7


Reactivate your store by going to Preferences.


Your shop is now updated."


To download the module:






Testing now on my page, hope it works!

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I just upgraded two of my shops from to using Autoupgrade. This worked great! I have themes that started as 1.4.4 compatible. One of my shops has some custom overrides in classes/ (customer.php, PDF.php, and Tools.php) and in controllers/ (AddressController.php and AuthController.php). I have added more fields for registration on one shop that is used as online registration for a club. It collects data in fields that used to be submitted on a paper form and store the data in the ps_customer table. It is also used to send a printable customized membership card using some of the extra field data when the customer orders and pays for membership.


These changes used to be done as mod to the Core but I converted them to overrides previously when I was on 1.4.3 - I'm glad I did because the upgrade process took less than 2 minutes including a manual database backup in case the autobackup feature didn't work. This used to take me over an hour to update because I would manually compare all the files, then insert the changes to any of the new files that were changed from the old files I had modded.


What I don't know yet is how the mods I've made to any modules are handled. A quick check of the shop indicates these mods were left in tact, but I'll need to verify the files to make sure.


In order to do the Autoupgrade I needed to manually take the shop offline. I thought Autoupgrade would do that, but no big deal to inactivate and reactivate manually.


Thanks Prestashop team for greatly simplifying the update process!


ps - my shop does not use memcache or filesystem cache because I can't get either of them to work, so I am not impacted by the cache comments above.

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related to blocklayered, please resinstall the module.


About BackupDb problem, thanks to Indus who solved it himself !


Philee, thanks for your access, I'm investigating to see what's wrong ...


I havent solved anything.Iam now without a working shop.

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When i try to install the module - autoupgrade , have the follow error.


error2.pngThe following module(s) were not installed successfully:

  • autoupgrade

I download again and reinstall, but same error, i put the default lang to "english" and disactive cache.



Some idea ?


Actual version -




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When i try to install the module - autoupgrade , have the follow error.


error2.pngThe following module(s) were not installed successfully:

  • autoupgrade

I download again and reinstall, but same error, i put the default lang to "english" and disactive cache.




Some idea ?


Actual version -





try to uninstall upgrade module and re-install again

working for me !

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Numpaque, thanks for your contribution.


In wich language did you try to install the module ?

My Ps is in Spanish language, and I had to change to english to install the upgrade module


But I have the problem with the database backup I can't Upgrade my Ps to

there is any notice about it?

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Hi Guys,


Just done this upgrade i did it manually everything went ok and seems fine i am having a problem when i add a product adding to the home category no problem but the moment i change to a different category even when i make sure that is also now the default category i get this error:


1 error

  • product must be in the default category

Also when i try to add a new category under another category i get this error:

the field
is invalid

My knowledge of php is very limited so this may be something simple anyone have any ideas or getting the same problem ?
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I had the same issue, but I force uninstall and reinstall 3 times

Tip the default language must be english check this fist

Tks numpaque

but i don´t know, what can i do more, i try install manualy, remove and install 10 times, default lang - English, admin lang - english.....


some sugestion ?

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After successfully installing the autoupdate on my 14.4.0 I also encounter the problem of Update option not showing in the Tools tab, no matter what I do; I have checked with my provider and they say that "allow_url_fopen = On" is On.

I cannot de install the module it gives "Fatal error " ( at least on the online test site, I didn't try on the real one ).

What could be the problem ?

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Hi Guys,


Solved it thought i would put my findings up even though it was a stupid mistake on my part, when i did it manually i placed my new installation in a a folder calle "dev" when i updated it it updated my main site files so when i deleted them and replaced everything in the root from the "dev" folder. Everything was fine except for one slight difference in the COOKIE_KEY replaced it with the settings.inc.php that was created on the main site during install and it works perfectly now :)

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When i try to install the module - autoupgrade , have the follow error.


error2.pngThe following module(s) were not installed successfully:

  • autoupgrade

I download again and reinstall, but same error, i put the default lang to "english" and disactive cache.




Some idea ?


Actual version -





I have the same problem, please help!!!

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Upgraded the PS the manual way, and I got this error on the module page. I get it every time I am on this page.Any ideas?


I have seen this happen when the shop url is different in seo and url tab .For example loggin in with http instead of www.

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If you experiencing troubles when installing autoupgrade module, you may have to uninstall / re-install it.


If the module still not appear in a subtab of Tools, that's a bug of the previous prestashop version about tab position, but you may have access to it by using the url /admin/index.php?tab=AdminSelfUpgrade (you will have a warning message about invalid token but you can continue)

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I can't thank you enough for taking time assisting me and every other member that needs assistance with this upgrade.


In regards to the missing category tree, this is now fixed thanks to Michael. Turns out there was errors and a missing file in the classes folder.


I must say I am really enjoying what the Prestashop developer team implemented for They really knocked out many of the bugs in the previous version. Also, I noticed an increase in page loading speed for the back-office and runs much smooth than the previous versions. Great work Michael and to the rest of the Prestashop team!

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hi fabien,

i have upgraded my ps shop to and unfortunately had some error on this theme. i have attached the snaps in here can anyone please help me out how to resolve this.






Also when you clicked on a product you will see the text covered with picture.




Kind regards


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I am having issues after an attempted auto upgrade failed, I manually upgraded files and manually ran install/upgrade. Now I have lost ability to choose default category for products (product must be in the default category), and cannot move category default to anywhere but home (the field id_parent is invalid), after changing to home, then category default cannot be changed further except manually in the DB.


Any clues anyone? Is it possible to re-install code from scratch and save 10K products which we have spent weeks importing? ie; will exporting the category and product tables, doing a fresh install and reimporting category and product tables work? Or do I completely start from the beginning again?


1 error:
  • product must be in the default category


Also when i try to change category parent i get this error:

  • the field id_parent is invalid

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  • 2 weeks later...

A few issues after the upgrade and prestashop_new theme upgraded 2 days back (please help fix):

1. Module Block Contact v1.0 does not display fully, only the upper part shows.


2. In Internet Explorer, the home page featured products are overlapping the Footer after I have increased space above

and between featured products. Mozilla and Chrome display is error free.


3. In Internet Explorer, a few home featured products' short description is showing in larger font.


4. In Chrome, home page featured products have an Add to Cart button, Internet Explorer and Mozilla do not.


5. In Chrome, home page featured products have prices text in Black, Internet Explorer and Mozilla have default maroon.

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A few issues after the upgrade and prestashop_new theme upgraded 2 days back (please help fix):

1. Module Block Contact v1.0 does not display fully, only the upper part shows.


2. In Internet Explorer, the home page featured products are overlapping the Footer after I have increased space above

and between featured products. Mozilla and Chrome display is error free.


3. In Internet Explorer, a few home featured products' short description is showing in larger font.


4. In Chrome, home page featured products have an Add to Cart button, Internet Explorer and Mozilla do not.


5. In Chrome, home page featured products have prices text in Black, Internet Explorer and Mozilla have default maroon.



Screenshots will help better understand the problem.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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