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Featured Products - need border on each product - Please help!


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Hey everyone, at the moment we have featured products on our home page, however they are all a little close together and it is difficult to see which text goes to which product and which buy now button goes to each product.


Is there any way to put borders in between each product, or is there a way to space them out a little to make it easier to understand.


Thanks in advance, an image is attached below :)


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Hi :)

add this code in line 724 in global.css




div#featured-products_block_center ul li {

border: 1px solid #E3E3E3;
float: left;
margin: 4px 2px 0 0;
padding: 5px;
position: relative;
width: 171px;

you can play with the border color, the padding(the distance between border and the content) and the margin(the distance between different boxes) to make it look as you want :)


Dont forget to add [solved] in the topic name, and like this post if it was helpful to you :) Thanks !

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