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what happens? (theme change)

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hi guys

I don t understand what happens to my prestashop, maybe someone has a clue?


as soon as I change a text in a module via BO, my FO does not take it into account and I lose a part of my menu.


here is what I have:


- I have installed 2 themes, the default theme and the new one. The new one is active.

- I have in the new theme's blockpermanentlinks-header block the following "Home Contacts Sitemap Bookmark"

- consequently I have a menu in the FO with the same items as above

- I have in the new theme's blockpermanentlinks all void


here is what I do

- I change one of the void texts in blockpermanentlinks (bookmark this page) into "Add this page to my bookmarks"


here is what I get

- in the FO my menu has lost the bookmark item!!! Now it goes "Home Contacts Sitemap" and that's all!!!


Any idea of what happened?



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