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Hello, help to change.

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Hello p4rm3san,


If there is no module then is hard coded and then you need to translate it directly in the code.

Do a search off the words in the header.tpl in your theme folder, i think it should be there somewhere.




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Hello p4rm3san


Make sure to set on BO force compile to ON and Cache to OFF reload your homepage and check again, if it works then you can change the settings back again.

If you did not do this after you translated then it will still shows english. These settings are in BO if you have PS 1.4.x


If you have PS 1.3.x then you need to clear your smarty/ compile folder ( all the contents in the compile folder except the index.php !! )


Hope this helped.



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Then you must be using an older version of prestashop.


It is generally assumed you would be talking about V1.4+ by now unless you otherwise state the version you are using.



In this case try modules/blockvariouslinks/blockvariouslinks.tpl

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