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Cannot upload image - 1.Image format not recognized, allowed formats are: .gif, .jpg, .png

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I've a fresh installation of Prestahop (


I wanted to upload an image into category or to a new product, but I always get this error:


Image format not recognized, allowed formats are: .gif, .jpg, .png

and I've tried it with a .jpg and .png


Do I have to set up something somewhere, or why is that not working.


I searched in the forum, but most offen, the problem was due to the rights. I checked that, and the rights are okey. I could delete other pics.


Any Ideas? Thanks a lot for the help.


Best regards



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In the meanwhile I could solve it with that -> http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/28989-solved-1-error-1-image-format-not-recognized-allowed-formats-are-gif-jpg-png/


But this if probably a security issue, isn't it?


I'd like to solve it correctly, not this way.


Since this is my own virtual server - I can configurer everything. I just need some information.


I've not found anything in my logs (no errors logged).



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