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CSS advice would be appreciated


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Hi, I would really appreciate help with the following PrestaShop CSS problem:

I am using Matrice theme and want to make design to be just central column on the dotted background

as you can see here -




The style of the cenral column is set like this:


#center_column {width:890px; height:890px; margin:auto; padding:0 0 1em 0; background:#FFFFFF}


The height property is set by me, it wasnt there at all before. I need the white background of the central

column to be all the way down to footer, nevermind how long the content of the central column is.

I can set the height to fixed value, but it wouldnt be enough for i.e.


I just need it to be dynamically white all the way to footer in all cases.

Could you please give me an advice? I tried to set all the styles (center_column, and its parents) to height: 100%

but it didnt help.


Thank you very much!

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