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Registration problem

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this is the situation, there are 5 errors at the first step of the registration process!


I attached a screenshot of my website. The Prestashop version is 1.4 and the template is compatible with it.




What can I do ?


Thank you in advance for your help !!

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the template is compatible with it.

Regardless , it is likely that the template is not compatible. The error messages correspond to the fields missing from the default form (e.g. where are the city and address1 fields?). The best person that can solve this problem is the author of the template. I would ask him/her

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Thank you PHRASESPOT !!


You were right, I have contacted the author of the template. The situation is that I have to upgrade my Prestashop version. Is it possible to back up everything (products, images, descriptions and so on) and then import it ?


It would be great to save time.

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Thank you

you're welcome, glad it is solved

I have to upgrade my Prestashop version. Is it possible to back up everything (products, images, descriptions and so on) and then import it ?

Of course, tough this is a subject for another thread. First make a regular backup of your database. Then update should notice you have an earlier version. I also recommend you keep a copy of the file /config/settings.inc.php. from your current installation.

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