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This module can't be transplanted to this hook.

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This module can't be transplanted to this hook.


Hi Guys,


I've contacted the maker of my theme (Fennecs) but haven't had anything back yet, just wondered if anyone else has experience a similar problem. When I downloaded my theme I copied the instructions but I can't seem to position all my modules as shown in the hooks.png.


I'm having issues with the following:


Quick search block v1.0 into header of pages

Product navigation (previous/next) block v0.1 into product footer


Does anybody know how I can get these modules into there positions without it returning the error "This module can't be transplanted to this hook."



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When you get that message, it means that the module does not have a function that can be used for that hook.


You can open the main module file and add a new function for the hook you want (you can copy an existing working hook function and rename it), keep in mind that it may not work right away, you may have to make some code changes / layout changes.

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