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Categories on main page with links and authentication

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I have a webshop with 1.4.4 version.

I want to set up a main page like this: http://www.backcountry.com/

Small image from main category with capitol letters and normal characters for subcategories and the more... option. Is it difficult to do it?


Another question: I found some interesting thing is authentication.tpl:


{$dlv_all_fields.0 = 'company'}

{$dlv_all_fields.1 = 'firstname'}



Can I make the order of form with these points? Or for what reason are there?


Thanks in advance

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If you want to have such home page connected with your categories(automatically creates new blocks and elemets when you add categories and subcategories) you'll have to make a whole module.


To do it faster and easier, I suggest you to make it static. Use the module addstuff and style the html file as you want it.

I believe it will do the job.

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