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Form Field for Image Upload Module


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Hi, I am trying to create a module that allows users to upload image file. These images will not be attached to any products. For each picture to be uploaded I'd like to collect and store the the following configuration info:

  1. Path to file (text)
  2. Display order (number)
  3. Active/Inactive flag (1 or 0)
  4. Description(text)

I am creating a back office configuration page for this module, and I have been able to render all the attributes (i.e. form fields) except the one for the image file itself. I imagine the field for uploading the file itself will be an input element of type "file" i.e. <input type="file"/>.


My questions are: how do I specify (in my module's php code) a location where the file ends up in my and how do I get the path to the file location so I can store it as an attribute in the database (also within my php code) ?


If anyone can point me to sample code that does this or respond with code snippets, I'd really appreciate it.




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If you use the move_uploaded_file function in your module to upload images you can specify the destination in the second parameter.


And I advise you to store only the name of the file and not the entire path. It's the easiest way if you want to change the destinatation folder later.

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