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Attributes Groups and Atrributes

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Hello Prestashop user,


I installed a new shop and now try to figure out how everything is working, most I understand and shop is running see http://www.rimaracingproducts.nl/webshop/ but one thing i don't understand.

Made Atribute groups till now 6 groups with different attibutes all for one product, so the buyer has choice for type, buiding year, color etc. I see this in the shop below the price, but when i put it in the shopping cart I see only one attribute on the invoice how i can cahnge this to see all the attributes on the invoice.


Thanks in advance



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I figured it out. All of the attributes are in the product page. You don't add them individually. You need to add them all at one time with the product combinations generator in the Combinations tab. Once you get into this, you can click on all the colors and sizes or anything you have already set up as an option. Add them and they show up and then Generate all of the combinations.

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Try using the combination generator (top of the combination tab).


Be careful, if you generate more than 1,000 - 3,000 combinations, you are likely to get out of memory errors.


If you do need to use that many, have a look at http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/47363-module-attribute-wizard-pro-create-an-unlimited-number-of-attributes-and-display-as-radio-button-checkbox-dropdown-textbox-teaxtarea-files/

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