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Help me with removing manufacturer ID from link


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Need some help guys.


How can i remove the manufacturer id from links and rewrite the links, to look something like this:


From: www[.]salessite.com/13_michelin to look like www[.]salessite.com/michelin-tires


I know i have to rewrite link in .htacces, but i can't manage to modify the code in classes/Link.php


The code:


public function getManufacturerLink($id_manufacturer, $alias = NULL, $id_lang = NULL)
 if (is_object($id_manufacturer))
  return ($this->allow == 1) ? (_PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink((int)($id_lang)).(int)($id_manufacturer->id).'_'.$id_manufacturer->link_rewrite) :
 if ($alias)
  return ($this->allow == 1) ? (_PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink((int)($id_lang)).(int)($id_manufacturer).'_'.$alias) :
 return _PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.'manufacturer.php?id_manufacturer='.(int)($id_manufacturer);


Some help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance

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Actually, you can remove the id. Here's the code:


public function getManufacturerLink($id_manufacturer, $alias = NULL, $id_lang = NULL)
 if (is_object($id_manufacturer))
  return ($this->allow == 1) ? (_PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink((int)($id_lang))./*intval($id_manufacturer->id).'_'.*/$id_manufacturer->link_rewrite) :
 if ($alias)
  return ($this->allow == 1) ? (_PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.$this->getLangLink((int)($id_lang))./*intval($id_manufacturer).'_'.*/$alias) :
 return _PS_BASE_URL_.__PS_BASE_URI__.'manufacturer.php?id_manufacturer='.intval($id_manufacturer);


And now from: www[.]salessite.com/13_michelin, is just www[.]salessite.com/michelin

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