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Problem Using CSV Import To Update Product Quantities

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I am trying to update the quantities for all of the products in my catalog using the import csv file with just the fields: Product ID; Quantity; Reference; Active(0/1) and Name.


The problem that I get is that when I import the csv file, several new categories are created under the home category and all of the products in my catalog are put into these new categories and "lost" from the categories they should be in.


Does anyone know why this is happening and how I can get around it.


Thanks for any help



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for sure you have something mismatching between your CSV and the data into PS.

My suggestion is not to import product only but rebuild all the csv files : categories, product, combination, manufacturer.


Pls check this post where we are deeply discussion on CSV



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Hello Gianvi,


Thank you for your reply. I really want to avoid uploading the whole product csv file as my intention is to update my product quantities every day and by importing the whole file it just creates more chance of importing an error.


I'll keep trying and let you know if I find anything useful.



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There is a bug on the import, categories are not correctly set if they are not in the csv file.

Here is my fix : in AdminImport.php, in productImport function ( after line 586 for 1.4.3 version ).


if (array_key_exists('id', $info) AND (int)($info['id']) AND Product::existsInDatabase((int)($info['id'])))


$product = new Product((int)($info['id']));

$categoryData = Product::getProductCategories((int)($product->id));


$def_sql = 'SELECT id_category_default FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'product WHERE id_product='.$product->id;

$def_cat = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($def_sql);

$product->id_category_default = $def_cat[0]['id_category_default'];

$product->id_category[] = $def_cat[0]['id_category_default'];

$cat_sql = 'SELECT id_category FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'category_product WHERE id_product='.$product->id;

$cat_order = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($cat_sql);

foreach($cat_order AS $cat){

$product->id_category[] = $cat['id_category'];



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Hello Marie-Claire,


Thank you for your reply and bug-fix. I have tried running it with my shop but it didn't work. I am not sure if this is because I am running version or if I have made a mistake inserting your code. I'll keep trying.


Thanks again


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If you have uploaded a csv file the first option for import is importing categories. Could it be that you forgot to change this setting from "categories" to "products" after uploading the csv file? This would explain why you got several new categories.

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