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Edit Theme001 mobil store for 1.4

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Good, it rains a lot time testing templates for version 1.4 and can not find anything that suits my company.

However there is a template for version 1.3 that I love and fits perfectly, I would like to know if the template template theme001 mobile store moster suit would be possible, with support smarty 3 works perfectly but has a failure and schemes products.tplwhen you change the attributes are not updated the price and I would like to work.


If someone has changed or is for download somewhere I'd appreciate it, also appreciate if someone provides documentation toadapt, but the theme would be the first to edit template prestashop.


A greeting;)


Download -> http://www.templatemonster.com/free-templates/free-prestashop-theme.php


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hi all

i am new member of this forum.

i have decided to use this template as my main one. but need some object editing and changing in boxes.




at first i wanna to make some change at header of the site which consists:

changing the place of search input-box and renaming the buttons home, sitemap and book mark.


i really appreciate if you could guide me which file in which path should be edited?

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