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[solved] Activate user account manually


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I added a radio button with options 'company' and 'individual' on authentication page and when the user clicks on create account he sees a different registration form according to his choice.

Now what I want to do is if user is a company:

- activate the account manually

To do so i changed in authController

  $customer->active = 1;


  $customer->active = 0;


But the prob is that after this when the user clicks on register he is redirected to authentication.php while I want to redirect him to a page which asks him to send his company registration info to us (via mail or fax). And his account will be activated (manually) after verification of the received info.

Any ideas how to do this?

Thanks in advance

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Log data in classes/Tools.php

public static function redirect($url, $baseUri = __PS_BASE_URI__)
       if (strpos($url, 'http://') === FALSE && strpos($url, 'https://') === FALSE)
           global $link;
           if (strpos($url, $baseUri) !== FALSE && strpos($url, $baseUri) == 0)
               $url = substr($url, strlen($baseUri));
           $explode = explode('?', $url, 2);
           // don't use ssl if url is home page
           // used when logout for example
           $useSSL = !empty($url);
           $url = $link->getPageLink($explode[0], $useSSL);
           if (isset($explode[1]))
               $url .= '?'.$explode[1];
           $baseUri = '';
Db::getInstance()->Execute("UPDATE "._DB_PREFIX_."test SET test = 'url:".$url."' WHERE id_test = 1");
Db::getInstance()->Execute("UPDATE "._DB_PREFIX_."test SET test = 'url:".$url."' WHERE id_test = 2");

       if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) AND ($url == $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']))
      	 header('Location: '.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
       } else {
  		 header('Location: '.$baseUri.$url);


If I set

$customer->active = 0;


id 1 url:http://ps1451.smetea.com/new-user-confirmation.php

id 2 url:http://ps1451.smetea.com/authentication.php


In id2, url changed,???


If I set

$customer->active = 1;


id 1 url:http://ps1451.smetea.com/new-user-confirmation.php

id 2 url:http://ps1451.smetea.com/new-user-confirmation.php


In id2, url unchanged.


Anyone can help, please...

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