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Shipping expenses based on city/district name

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Dear friends,


i want to implement this:


i am using 2 different rates on the courier expenses when i send my products based on if the destination is in my city or in the rest of the country.

The calculation of the courier expenses is given like this:

up to 1kilo is a fixed price lets say X for my city and Y for the rest of the country.

Every additional kilo is +Z (indifferent of the destination).


So if i was to do it in basic language it would be something like this:


if city$="mycity" then

couriertaxes = X + Z*extrakilos


couriertaxes = Y + Z*extrakilos

end if


so, the question is: can this be done easily (even if i have to interfeer in the modules) in Prestashop?


Thanks for all the answers.

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