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Changing the look of the current theme.

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Hi Guys


I am new to PS and have just installed

I have been through the back end and can't for the life of me find where to change the text for the information or the front/home page.

Is this all done in the index.php files or is there a html file i am missing.

I have done a little coding before but not php. only html,css, js, java and VB

I am currently studying programming and will be studying web design next year.

Any help to let me know what files I can change to suit my customers needs as far as the products at the top and the writing under them as well as the information pages.


Thanks in advance


Rosey Hosting Project Management

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Hi Todd,

the homepage content is in separate module called editorial. You can edit the content through back-office in modules -> Front office features-> Home text editor


For advanced customization, you cant edit editorial.tpl in modules/editorial directory

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