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Help with Change in loyalty points

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good afternoon


I'm changing the module loyalty points to ensure that each product is independent, but I've done everything short of the end, is that when you go shopping you only count the points that apply and not all products, for it I have this code in the file LoyaltyModule.php



* 2007-2011 PrestaShop
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*  @copyright  2007-2011 PrestaShop SA
*  @version  Release: $Revision: 7540 $
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if (!defined('_CAN_LOAD_FILES_'))
class LoyaltyModule extends ObjectModel
public $id_loyalty_state;
public $id_customer;
public $id_order;
public $id_discount;
public $points;
public $date_add;
public $date_upd;
protected $fieldsRequired = array('id_customer', 'points');
protected $fieldsValidate = array('id_loyalty_state' => 'isInt', 'id_customer' => 'isInt', 'id_discount' => 'isInt', 'id_order' => 'isInt', 'points' => 'isInt');
protected $table = 'loyalty';
protected $identifier = 'id_loyalty';

public function getFields()
 $fields['id_loyalty_state'] = (int)$this->id_loyalty_state;
 $fields['id_customer'] = (int)$this->id_customer;
 $fields['id_order'] = (int)$this->id_order;
 $fields['id_discount'] = (int)$this->id_discount;
 $fields['points'] = (int)$this->points;
 $fields['date_add'] = pSQL($this->date_add);
 $fields['date_upd'] = pSQL($this->date_upd);
 return $fields;
public function save($nullValues = false, $autodate = true)
 parent::save($nullValues, $autodate);
public static function getByOrderId($id_order)
 if (!Validate::isUnsignedId($id_order))
  return false;
 $result = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
 SELECT f.id_loyalty
 FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty` f
 WHERE f.id_order = '.(int)($id_order));
 return isset($result['id_loyalty']) ? $result['id_loyalty'] : false;
public static function getOrderNbPoints($order)
 if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($order))
  return false;
 return self::getCartNbPoints(new Cart((int)$order->id_cart));
public static function getCartNbPoints($cart, $newProduct = NULL)
 $total = 0;
 if (Validate::isLoadedObject($cart))
  $cartProducts = $cart->getProducts();
  $taxesEnabled = Product::getTaxCalculationMethod();
  if (isset($newProduct) AND !empty($newProduct))
   $cartProductsNew['id_product'] = (int)$newProduct->id;
		    $id_product = $cartProductsNew['id_product'];

			 $conexion = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
  $query="SELECT * FROM `ps_product` WHERE `id_product` = " .$id_product;
  $result=mysql_query ($query);
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result))
  $cartProductsNew['fidelidad'] = $row['fidelidad'];

   if ($taxesEnabled == PS_TAX_EXC)
 $cartProductsNew['price'] = number_format($newProduct->getPrice(false, (int)($newProduct->getIdProductAttributeMostExpensive())), 2, '.', '');
 $cartProductsNew['price_wt'] = number_format($newProduct->getPrice(true, (int)($newProduct->getIdProductAttributeMostExpensive())), 2, '.', '');
   $cartProductsNew['cart_quantity'] = 1;
   $cartProducts[] = $cartProductsNew;
  foreach ($cartProducts AS $product)
   if (!(int)(Configuration::get('PS_LOYALTY_NONE_AWARD')) AND Product::isDiscounted((int)$product['id_product']))
 global $smarty;
 if (isset($smarty) AND is_object($newProduct) AND $product['id_product'] == $newProduct->id)
  $smarty->assign('no_pts_discounted', 1);

		    if ($product['fidelidad'] == 1)
   $total += ($taxesEnabled == PS_TAX_EXC ? $product['price'] : $product['price_wt'])* (int)($product['cart_quantity']);
  foreach ($cart->getDiscounts(false) AS $discount)
   $total -= $discount['value_real'];
 return self::getNbPointsByPrice($total);
public static function getVoucherValue($nbPoints, $id_currency = NULL)
 global $cookie;

 if (empty($id_currency))
  $id_currency = (int)$cookie->id_currency;

 return (int)$nbPoints * (float)Tools::convertPrice(Configuration::get('PS_LOYALTY_POINT_VALUE'), new Currency((int)$id_currency));
public static function getNbPointsByPrice($price)
 global $cookie;
 if (Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT') != $cookie->id_currency)
  $currency = new Currency((int)($cookie->id_currency));
  if ($currency->conversion_rate)
   $price = $price / $currency->conversion_rate;

 /* Prevent division by zero */
 $points = 0;
 if ($pointRate = (float)(Configuration::get('PS_LOYALTY_POINT_RATE')))
  $points = floor(number_format($price, 2, '.', '') / $pointRate);
 return (int)$points;
public static function getPointsByCustomer($id_customer)
 SELECT SUM(f.points) points
 FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty` f
 WHERE f.id_customer = '.(int)($id_customer).'
 AND f.id_loyalty_state IN ('.(int)(LoyaltyStateModule::getValidationId()).', '.(int)(LoyaltyStateModule::getNoneAwardId()).')')
 SELECT SUM(f.points) points
 FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty` f
 WHERE f.id_customer = '.(int)($id_customer).'
 AND f.id_loyalty_state = '.(int)LoyaltyStateModule::getCancelId().' AND points < 0');
public static function getAllByIdCustomer($id_customer, $id_lang, $onlyValidate = false, $pagination = false, $nb = 10, $page = 1)
 $query = '
 SELECT f.id_order AS id, f.date_add AS date, (o.total_paid - o.total_shipping) total_without_shipping, f.points, f.id_loyalty, f.id_loyalty_state, fsl.name state
 FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty` f
 LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o ON (f.id_order = o.id_order)
 LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty_state_lang` fsl ON (f.id_loyalty_state = fsl.id_loyalty_state AND fsl.id_lang = '.(int)($id_lang).')
 WHERE f.id_customer = '.(int)($id_customer);
 if ($onlyValidate === true)
  $query .= ' AND f.id_loyalty_state = '.(int)LoyaltyStateModule::getValidationId();
 $query .= ' GROUP BY f.id_loyalty '.
 ($pagination ? 'LIMIT '.(((int)($page) - 1) * (int)($nb)).', '.(int)($nb) : '');
 return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query);
public static function getDiscountByIdCustomer($id_customer, $last=false)
 $query = '
 SELECT f.id_discount AS id_discount, f.date_upd AS date_add
 FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty` f
 LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o ON (f.`id_order` = o.`id_order`)
 WHERE f.`id_customer` = '.(int)($id_customer).'
 AND f.`id_discount` > 0
 AND o.`valid` = 1';
 if ($last === true)
  $query.= ' ORDER BY f.id_loyalty DESC LIMIT 0,1';
 $query.= ' GROUP BY f.id_discount';
 return Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($query);
public static function registerDiscount($discount)
 if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($discount))
  die(Tools::displayError('Incorrect object Discount.'));
 $items = self::getAllByIdCustomer((int)$discount->id_customer, NULL, true);
 foreach ($items AS $item)
  $f = new LoyaltyModule((int)$item['id_loyalty']);

  /* Check for negative points for this order */
  $negativePoints = (int)Db::getInstance()->getValue('SELECT SUM(points) points FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty WHERE id_order = '.(int)$f->id_order.' AND id_loyalty_state = '.(int)LoyaltyStateModule::getCancelId().' AND points < 0');

  if ($f->points + $negativePoints <= 0)

  $f->id_discount = (int)$discount->id;
  $f->id_loyalty_state = (int)LoyaltyStateModule::getConvertId();
public static function getOrdersByIdDiscount($id_discount)
 $items = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('
 SELECT f.id_order AS id_order, f.points AS points, f.date_upd AS date
 FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty` f
 WHERE f.id_discount = '.(int)($id_discount).' AND f.id_loyalty_state = '.(int)(LoyaltyStateModule::getConvertId()));
 if (!empty($items) AND is_array($items))
  foreach ($items AS $key => $item)
   $order = new Order((int)$item['id_order']);
   $items[$key]['id_currency'] = (int)$order->id_currency;
   $items[$key]['id_lang'] = (int)$order->id_lang;
   $items[$key]['total_paid'] = $order->total_paid;
   $items[$key]['total_shipping'] = $order->total_shipping;
  return $items;
 return false;
/* Register all transaction in a specific history table */
private function historize()
 INSERT INTO `'._DB_PREFIX_.'loyalty_history` (`id_loyalty`, `id_loyalty_state`, `points`, `date_add`)
 VALUES ('.(int)($this->id).', '.(int)($this->id_loyalty_state).', '.(int)($this->points).', NOW())');


As you can see from the table I added a field products llamda "fidelity", the only thing I want isthat if the product does not allow loyalty points (0) does not enter the sum total of the car, the thing is that the reason While it does not get that data since it never enters the total counter (thecounter of the total should enter only those that allow them loyalty points (1)).


Does anyone have any idea what may be the nonsense that do not work properly?


Thank you very much for your help.



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