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Modifying "Add new Product" options in backend

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this. You have to mess around with the code to do it.

Search for the label in admin/tabs/AdminProducts.php. There will be one for the 1. Info tab and one for the 3. Combinations tab. For each of them, add style="display: none;" to the appropriate cells to hide them. It is better to do this, rather than delete, because some items like Pre-tax Retail Price are required and will cause an error when deleted.

As an example, to remove the Pre-tax Retail Price, change:

'.$this->l('Pre-tax retail price:').'


'.$this->l('Pre-tax retail price:').'

The others are a little more difficult, but can be done in a similar way.

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