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Front End Login Not Working

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After upgrading from v1.0.8 to 1.1 Final, it seems that customers can no longer log in - which is a big problem! :(

When you enter your details and click 'Log In' the page simply reloads back to the login page.

If you supply a non-existant user it does pick this up though.

You can take a look here...


Any suggestions? I guess it could be a cookie issue.


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I also noticed that if you take a prestashop installation in rush and quickly, create account, logout, create account, logout, login, at some point it's going wild, this morning, my installation on the test server was mad, I was adding products to cart, and when trying to login or create account... my cart was empty... I've tried it with IE (which was clean with cookies and others because I never use it) and it worked like a charm, so I cleared all my private data in FF but it was still not working, most probably some caching problems with the script. Anyway, I'm sure no client will do what I did with the script.

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I also have this problem, I can login using FF but not with IE 6 or 7, and thats the BO and FO. I have had it checked by my host and they were able to sucessfully login to BO on their end.

It is affecting both my sites in my signiture, so I know it is a problem with my pc.

I have tried everything I can think of to make it work, but have come up against a brick wall.

I also cannot add-to-cart on IE for one site which I think is related.

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