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credit slips won`t go away

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I can`t remove my credit slips from my account page (not my account block). I deleted the lines containing information about credit slips from themes\my-account.tpl and from blockmyaccount.tpl, but the credit slips and an icon still show on my account page.

I also used force compile and cleaned the cache. Am I missing something.


I know this question˛has been asked before but not for this version.

Any help is highly appreciated.

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Removing the following line from my-account.tpl and changing "Force compile" to "Yes" should have removed it from the "My Account" page:


<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('order-slip.php', true)}" title="{l s='Credit slips'}"><img src="{$img_dir}icon/slip.gif" alt="{l s='Credit slips'}" class="icon" /></a><a href="{$link->getPageLink('order-slip.php', true)}" title="{l s='Credit slips'}">{l s='My credit slips'}</a></li>


I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work. Maybe you are looking at the "My Account" block instead of the "My Account" page? To remove the credit slips from the "My Account" block, you need to override modules/blockmyaccount/blockmyaccount.tpl and remove the following line:


<li><a href="{$link->getPageLink('order-slip.php', true)}" title="">{l s='My credit slips' mod='blockmyaccount'}</a></li>

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