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FEDEX Web Services Module to work with PS


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nope, we are not using soap - we are using curl to connect fedex web services. We keep the design same as native design - so it won't be confusing. We don't need API - BECAUSE FEDEX NO MORE PROVIDING API KEY and password anymore.... just need account number and meter ID that's it

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Hi Zyko,


You say that you kept the same design as native module so it's not confusing.

But on your page : http://www.globonetics.com/store/prestashop-module/fedex-web-service.html, your "key features" (as you said) are the ones of the native module. You did not say that you take the native (and free) module and improved it. You let presume that you did it completely by yourself. You wrote your credit and did not write the PrestaShop credit. If I were a merchant who bought your module, I would have the impression that your module is a scam.


You're wrong about something, Fedex STILL PROVIDING API KEY (a friend of mine got one a few days ago).


This is what I read from fedex.com a few minutes ago :

"It is recommended that developers test and assure themselves that their code operates as desired. Obtaining a set of testing credentials is easy. Once you have read and accepted the terms and conditions of the Testing Agreement, you will receive a Test Account Number, a Test Meter Number, and an Developer Test Key and Password (Security Code). These credentials must be included in your code as specified in the FedEx Web Services technical documentation. Without this information, your transactions will be rejected. Once your code includes the testing credentials, you may proceed to fully testing your application."


Moreover, I can make this improvment, I just have to commit my API Key in the module and removed the field, I would have the same module as your. It's why I think selling this module 67$ letting think people that you code it completly look a scam to me.


Last thing, I do not see the interest to use curl instead of soap. Even in the php example provided by fedex, they use soap.

Best regards,

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The Fedex API is still available, but it will be phased out. Any module should be based upon web services instead. I could not get the original web services module to work using a test or production meter. There was also no place to put the API key in the interface. Globonetics was able to re-configure the module. In the php code, they give prestashop credit for original template and say that they updated it. It took them over a week to complete this work and they ran over schedule, so I have to assume they put some work into making the module work. Thank you.

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  On 9/30/2011 at 5:32 PM, alexwall77 said:

The Fedex API is still available, but it will be phased out.


They just released Fedex API v10 (and the native free module works with it).

Where did you read any official announcement or documentation about it ?

If it changes, I will have to update the module to make the native module works with the new API.


  On 9/30/2011 at 5:32 PM, alexwall77 said:

I could not get the original web services module to work using a test or production meter.


The original web service module was a little buggy, I can denied it.

Several merchants help me to fix it and it works just fine now :)


  On 9/30/2011 at 5:32 PM, alexwall77 said:

In the php code, they give prestashop credit for original template and say that they updated it.


Yeah, they give credit once the module is bought.

Moreover, merchants does not open php code.

All the key features that they "sell" on their page, are NOT features they code.


  On 9/30/2011 at 5:32 PM, alexwall77 said:

It took them over a week to complete this work and they ran over schedule, so I have to assume they put some work into making the module work. Thank you.


It take me a few hours to fix the module.

But if they change soap service in curl, I can believe they work a week. Once again, the problem is not if they work on it or not. The problem is that they took the free native module and sell it like if they code all the module.

Honestly, I hesitated to buy the module and make a diff between their module and the free one.


Last thing, PrestaShop is a community Project.

Yes, you can create your own module and sell it.

But if you respect the community, and you like the project, if you make a improvment or fix a bug on the core part (because it's what you did), you should share the fix instead of selling it 67$.


This is what I think a community project should be.

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I read that fedex is phasing out their API and moving to "web services" the url is here http://www.fedex.com/us/developer/migration.html


since im a latecomer, i cant get an api key from fedex either, since they are no longer issuing them. because of this, i am unable to use the native fedex module. zyko seems to have taken the native module and retooled it to use the new web services. if i am mistaken, please let me know.

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Hi Izzyflex


This week again, a merchant called Fedex and get an API key. So I can't understand how were you not able to have an API key. I'll ask Fedex about that.

Concerning the new API, I know this link, but the native module is already using "web services". So it has to be okay.

I'll ask Fedex to be sure. I'll try to have answer from Fedex by next week and if the module need to be upgrade, I'll upgrade it. I don't say that ziko didn't change the module, I'm just saying that, in this kind of community, you normally sell module that you made, and you share improvment that you make on native module. But it's clear that Zyko and I don't see the community the same way.


Once, I'll get the answer from Fedex, I'll help you for free to set your fedex module online if you need to :)

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Hi all, I am very sorry to tell Prestashop this, but their Fedex module still doesn't work, even after the most recent update. There is a very simple reasons for this.


1- There is no place to enter ALL of the authentication information

2 - Fedex no longer supports their API, and so Prestashop needs to make their module work with Web Services.


Globonetics did that for me, and that's why I can use Fedex and no one else can.

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Hi Alexwall77,


You said :


  On 10/15/2011 at 8:01 PM, alexwall77 said:
Prestashop needs to make their module work with Web Services


The module is already using webservices (the very same that are available for download as sample on fedex.com).

So what you said is not true.


  On 10/15/2011 at 8:01 PM, alexwall77 said:
that's why I can use Fedex and no one else can.


A merchant just upper in the topic said (and I know many more merchants that can say the same thing) :

  On 9/30/2011 at 2:29 PM, Muller said:

I can confirm that the free, official Prestashop module works. Also, it uses webservices and it is free and easy to get an API key from Fedex.


So what you said is not true.


Two possibilities :

1) You're wrong and the native module works fine

2) You're right and maybe API key is no more available only in some countries, that's why some merchants can have API key and others can't


I'm open minded, so I will contact fedex and ask them directly. I will post their answer here.


Best regards,

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Hi all,


I got the answer from Fedex.

Here is the mail I sent them :



Good evening,

I'm the developer in charge of the fedex module on PrestaShop (www.prestashop.com).

The module is currently using the soap API that is available for download in your developer web section (www.fedex.com/developer/) and need an API key.

Some merchants told me that you do not provide API key anymore and that your soap webservices is going to phase out. Others merchants told me that they were able to obtain an API key and that the soap API is working fine.

So , I have three questions :

- Is your soap API (sample downloadable on www.fedex.com/developer/) is phasing out ?

- Do you still provide API key to merchants ?

- If your soap API is going to phase out, where can I find the documentation (or sample code) of the new API ?

Best regards,


Here is the answer I get :



Hello Fabien,


Below are the answer to your questions:

- Is your soap API (sample downloadable on www.fedex.com/developer/) is phasing out ?-Yes, our API is phasing out on May 31, 2012. The only sample code available on the FedEx Developer Resource Center (fedex.com/developer) is the FedEx Web Services. That is the latest technology that we have replacing FedEx API. We have not updated anything to FedEx API since 2007 since we will be retiring it soon.


- Do you still provide API key to merchants ?-We provide authentication keys to merchants. That you can receive by log in to the FedEx Developer Resource Center at fedex.com/developer, select Technical Resources tab and select "Get started with FedEx Web Services Technical Resources now" "Develop and Test your application" Obtain your developer test key. This is where you will receive that information.


- If your soap API is going to phase out, where can I find the documentation (or sample code) of the new API ?- same place as the above answer


Hope this helps.






Then I went to the developer space (fedex.com/developer). The only sample code available on the FedEx Developer Resource Center is SOAP webservices I'm using in the module.


And in the developer guide, it is written this :



Web services are a collection of programming technologies, including XML, Web Services Description Language (WSDL), and SOAP, which allow you to build programming solutions for specific messaging and application integration.


So, with what we can read from Fedex (not me) :

- Fedex still provides authentications key to merchants

- The only webservices that will still be available after May 31, 2012 will be Soap webservices.


The native module is using Soap Webservices, the one of Globonetics is not.*

The native module will work after May 31, 2012, the one of Globonetics will not.

The native module is free, the one of Globonetics is not.


* In fact, Globonetics is using this url "gateway.fedex.com/gatewayDC" (which was used in 2007 as you can see on many post of other open sources solutions : http://forums.oscomm...-fedex-modules/), we now need to use this url :



If you don't believe, you just have to send an e-mail to Fedex Webservices Migrations (you can find the e-mail on Fedex.com)


Hope this will close the subject.


Best regards,



Edit :

Just to be sure I sent a last e-mail to Fedex :




Thanks for your swift answer.


Your answer helped me a lot.

A lot of merchants told me you did not provide API key anymore so I was begin to doubt.


Just to be sure :

The webservice in cURL using "gateway.fedex.com/gatewayDC" will phase out in May 31, 2012

And the only webservice will be still working after that date is the Soap Webservice using this url : https://gateway.fedex.com/web-services/rate


Could you just confirm me this last information ?


Best regards,


They answered me this :



Hello Fabien,


No problem. I checked into this some more and yes that URL "gateway.fedex.com/gatewayDC" will be phasing out on May 31,2012. Yes, the other URL is the correct one.




So I confirm that the module of Globonetics won't work after May 31, 2012.

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Our module will work after May31 2012 too... because as we said before we don't need API anymore, we just need the fedex account number/authentication key and meter id. Even if there are any new modifications needed for fedex, then we will definitely modify our mod and will provide free upgradtions to all our customers.



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"we don't need API anymore" => Sorry again, but you're wrong. You don't need API key with the old API that you are using but this will be deprecated in May 31 2012 (as fedex said, not me :) )


As you said, you will have to updgrade your module (I won't have to) and will have to use soap services like the current native one. So, the free upgrade that you are talking about, you will just give the native module to your customers ? :)


The current native module is working, so what's the point of your module ?

You will probably say "merchant don't need API key with our module" (because you will set your API key directly in the module I think), but what the point of paying 67$ for an API key that a merchant can have for free ?


So, for me, you just selling a module 67$ that don't give more benefits (or functionnalities) to the merchants than the native one.

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Hello Fabien,


Thank you for keeping the Fedex Module free (as it was meant to be). It bothered me to think that the only way to get a Fedex module was to pay for it. However: When I try to configure the module, I input my Fedex account number, my Fedex meter number, and Fedex password... but when I click the link that says: "Please click here to get your Fedex API Key." I am taken to a page on Fedex's website that says: "Page Not Found" (please see attached screen shots). So if the module is working, where are we to find the API key? It seems that Fedex has either moved them or made them completely unavailable...I think that that is what is confusing people (myself included). Thank you again for working so hard to make this work for the rest of the community. It is greatly appreciated.





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Dear Fabien:

I recently activated the Prestashop cart on my server. I am based in Quito Ecuador and I have an account with FEDEX locally. I am using the latest prestashop version As I was setting the FEDEX module I came across two problems, my local FEDEX account credentials do not work. Not only this but I requested another credentials from FEDEX and they do not work either.

I called FEDEX and they said that most probably the problem is that the FEDEX platform used by PRESTASHOP is no longer valid since the validation link is uses is outdated.

Can you please let me know?

I can send you my credentials and info for you to verify directly if neede.


Javier Herrera

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The link to retrieve API key in the module is outdated but the module use the valid version of the Fedex platform (see the mail from fedex that I posted above in this topic).


I think your credential may be wrong. Are you sure your credential are for production and not for test mode ?

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Thank you Fabien for clarifying your module! I am in the process of setting up the native core FedEx module now. Here is the correct form to fill out in order to get the core module up and running.




I was already logged into FedEx.com so when I found this form it already had some of my info populated. I just wanted to give this link so I don't half to look for it no more. I also hope it helps some of you as well.

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  On 10/29/2011 at 12:32 AM, Fabien Serny said:

... I think your credential may be wrong. Are you sure your credential are for production and not for test mode ?


Does this mean that the Fedex Module will only work with Production Credentials? I am trying to test the module with the 'Testing' credentials that I received from Fedex but I keep getting an error that says: " Prestashop could not connect to FEDEX webservices : Error 1000 : Authentication Failed."


I called Fedex and they asked me "to which of our URL's is your application pointing?" Of course, I did not know; so then, the Fedex Web Services Technician said that it sounded like my application was pointing to the wrong URL.


So again: could it be that the Fedex Module is not compatible with the 'TEST' meter number, API, Etc. but only with Production?



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FOLLOW-UP to above entry: Apparently, this is the case (and I suspect that Fabien will confirm this when it is daylight in his country and he is online again).


I got a 'Production Key' from Fedex and input the information where I previously had the 'Test Key' information and the module appears to be working now. I hope this will help others. :)

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in my case, i was getting the same error, authentication failed for testing apis,


after lots of code scratches, i finally got it successfully tested with testing credentials.


I just replaced line number 1686 which looks like

​$requestHash['RequestedShipment']['ShipTimestamp'] = 'none';

with this

​$requestHash['RequestedShipment']['ShipTimestamp'] = time('c');

for requesting testing service in fedexcarrier.php

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Hi Fabien,


You may be right that my fedex module is outdated.

But i missed one point in previous post.


Therefore i downloaded the fresh prestashop version prestashop_1.4.5.1


Then i edited the fedexcarrier revision number 9074 and changed the time as i said earlier.

And i also changed the testing rate service url in webservice description wsdl by replacing

<s1:address location="https://gateway.fedex.com:443/web-services/rate"/>


<s1:address location="https://gatewaybeta.fedex.com:443/web-services"/>

in file RateService_v10.wsdl


and yes it worked again.


I havent yet tested this with the production keys, but it works with developer testing keys.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Kristi,


My call to Fedex was to confirm that I was using the right webservices. And I had the confirmation.

The module works, you just have to fill production credentials (Account production, password, meter number and authentication key). Many merchants are using it without any problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/8/2011 at 4:29 PM, cedricfontaine said:



I have all the credential from Fedex but it seems that I'm missing one...


I received :


Production Password

Production Meter Number

FedEx Account Number

FedEx Meter Number


How could I get the API Key ?


I've spoken with Fed Ex tech support and they say they are no longer issuing API keys, so until someone writes a plugin to work with the new specifications, you're stuffed.


Let me know if you find a module for the new system, or write one yourself.

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Hi all,


No need to re-write it again, you have two choices.

You can be scammed by Zyko which are selling you a fedex module that does not need API key because they are using old api which won't work anymore in a few month.


Or you can call fedex and ask them production key (not API key, I miswrite it). Please reread all this topic, you will see that Fedex confirm me that I was using their new webservices and Zyko (globonetics) are using their old API.

You will also read that many merchants succeed to get a production key.


Please contact merchants of this post (even me) who made the free module works, to help you.

Don't be scam by Zyko.

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Hi Fabien,


I want to ship my products internationally from Singapore and I'm trying to configure the FedEx module as well but I get "Service not allowed", and all the shipping services are marked as "(Not Available)".


When I entered a US address, some options become "(Available)" so there shouldn't be anything wrong with my Production Credentials.


Does that mean that FedEx doesn't allow me to ship from Singapore? I am, however, able to ship from Singapore using their online service so it somehow doesn't make sense.


Really appreciate your help! =)

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  On 12/14/2011 at 12:28 PM, Fabien Serny said:
Hi, The "Available" and "Not available" is something I should remove because it rely on the adress you filled. So a service can be "Not available" in the module configuration and available on the front office.


Hi Fabien, I don't understand. The address that I enter in the Back Office is the address that FedEx will collect the product from right? "Service not allowed" means that FedEx doesn't serve this address?


I also tried enabling all the services in the Back Office, but none shows up on the Front Office. Is there something wrong I'm doing? Thanks!

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Hi wilsontgh,


You're in the same case of Credic Fontaine. In his case, for example, if you enter this address :

40 SW 6th St.

Miamia, FL 33130


I will make a test webservice call setting this address as starting point and as arrival

So for example, international delivery will show up as unavailable.


But in practice, on front office, when a customer will enter an address in Europe, international delivery will be displayed. That's why you don't have to care about these flags and why I should remove them.


In your case, I think one of the service you check is not allowed. Make a test service per service to see what service is not allowed.

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Hi Fabien,


I get it now. I keyed in the Miami address, selected International Economy and It now says I have the modules configured successfully.


However, I still can't get the FedEx carrier to show on the Front Office. I've tried with the same Miami address as well as addresses from Malaysia and UK but they all return no carriers available. I'm I missing out something? The only thing that shows is my Registered Mail carrier configured for local delivery to Singapore addresses.


Maybe you could take a look? My Front Office is at www.sgsouvenirs.com.sg. Shall I PM you my Back Office credentials as well?

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Hi, Fabien,


like the other users, i have the response of webservices "not allowed", i'm from Belgium.

i try to check all the services of Fedex, the same answer "not allowed" but in the Front Office il try to delivery from Belgium to an other country, France, it works, i have the prices for Fedex Shipping.

But in my Country, from belgium to another adress in Belgium, that doesn't work...the price of Fedex shipping doesn't appears,


Fedexcarrier is the last release 1.2.5 for a prestashop


Can you login in my back office to try another solution,


thanks in advance,



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Hi Fabien, I still can't get it to work. I've tried to register my own FedEx Account in Singapore and it just shows 'No carriers available for that address' for overseas address.


I have selected International Economy as the Delivery Service but I have tried other services and they all show no carriers available.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Fabien,


I have mucked around with the fedexcarrier.php and the database around a little and I realised a few things:


Yes, the address in the Back Office will run a test call to the webservice with the start and ending address, and that also sets the starting address for calls made to the webservice in the Front Office when a user wants to check the shipping cost.


However, with the Miami Address as the starting address, it doesn't work with addresses outside of U.S.


Here is my test summary in the format, <starting address> --> <ending address> = <result> :


Miami Address --> Miami Address = Works.

Miami Address --> California Address = Works.

Miami Address --> UK Address = No carrier found.

Miami Address --> Singapore Address = No carrier found.

Miami Address --> Malaysia Address = No carrier found.

Singapore Address --> California Address = No carrier found.

Singapore Address --> Malaysia Address = No carrier found.

Singapore Address --> UK Address = No carrier found.


I enabled all the carrier types and the starting addresses are set in the Back Office.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks!



  On 12/15/2011 at 8:48 AM, Fabien Serny said:
Hi wilsontgh, You're in the same case of Credic Fontaine. In his case, for example, if you enter this address : 40 SW 6th St. Miamia, FL 33130 I will make a test webservice call setting this address as starting point and as arrival So for example, international delivery will show up as unavailable. But in practice, on front office, when a customer will enter an address in Europe, international delivery will be displayed. That's why you don't have to care about these flags and why I should remove them. In your case, I think one of the service you check is not allowed. Make a test service per service to see what service is not allowed.
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Hi all, i am new to prestashop but i have managed to get all nec. information from fedex. I have entered them correctly but i get 2 errors that i dont know how to get rid of.

warn2.pngFEDEX Carrier is not configured yet, you must:

module_install.png 1) Fill the "General Settings" form

module_install.png 2) Select your available delivery service

warn2.png 3) Webservice test connection

warn2.png 4) Soap is enabled

module_install.png 5) Url fopen is enabled

module_install.png 6) OpenSSL is enabled


any help would be greatly appreciated. i am using prestashop

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actually, they just sent me a meeasge saying that they had enabled it but im still getting the same errors in the module configuration..

when i go to the script this is what i see in the code: is this correct?



; Enables or disables WSDL caching feature.


; Sets the directory name where SOAP extension will put cache files.


; (time to live) Sets the number of second while cached file will be used

; instead of original one.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I use ps 1.4.4 and still can't connect to their webservice it's the only error left before to successfully setup the module.


Is there a way to still use this module with a test account? Otherwise to get production key need to provide many informations

and also credit card number which i'm not willing to do.


Thanks for your help.

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I'm having the same problem but my host does not support OpenSSL and SOAP, is there a work around? Currently I'm using CRE Loaded with FedEx, there is no need for an API key and password, it works just with the meter and account number, why is Prestashop FedEx module so much more demanding?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Fabien,


Could you please have a look at this topic and give me an answer? As a FedEx integrator, I get more and more requests from my customers to integrate FedEx Web Services into Prestashop, but as you can see, the module isn't working from France.


You can contact me directly if you prefer.


Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Hi All!

1. I had the ERROR 1000: Authentication Failed - using Prestashop and the FedEx Carrier Module.

2. I used VINAYM's solution successfully today (28 NOV 2012)

3. The 2 steps are quoted below.

4. This is, of course, after going to FEDEX.COM and getting a TEST DEVELOPER KEY:

* This information included:






I used my real Shipping origin address.


I hope that helps someone. :-)




  On 11/1/2011 at 12:18 PM, vinaym said:

in my case, i was getting the same error, authentication failed for testing apis,


after lots of code scratches, i finally got it successfully tested with testing credentials.


I just replaced line number 1686 which looks like

​$requestHash['RequestedShipment']['ShipTimestamp'] = 'none';

with this

​$requestHash['RequestedShipment']['ShipTimestamp'] = time('c');

for requesting testing service in fedexcarrier.php

  On 11/4/2011 at 7:56 AM, vinaym said:

Hi Fabien,


You may be right that my fedex module is outdated.

But i missed one point in previous post.


Therefore i downloaded the fresh prestashop version prestashop_1.4.5.1


Then i edited the fedexcarrier revision number 9074 and changed the time as i said earlier.

And i also changed the testing rate service url in webservice description wsdl by replacing

<s1:address location="https://gateway.fedex.com:443/web-services/rate"/>


<s1:address location="https://gatewaybeta.fedex.com:443/web-services"/>

in file RateService_v10.wsdl


and yes it worked again.


I havent yet tested this with the production keys, but it works with developer testing keys.





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  • 10 months later...

Hi guys i suggest don't use FedEx as their support really sucks......... They generated all the API keys ans sent it to me but none of them work. its been 15 days yet their support sucks 2 days back they tell the api's weren't enabled LOL Fedex makes you work for technology and dosent let technology work for you

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  • 2 years later...

Hello Guys,


I am using Fedex Module, and using prestashop


The problem is when customer selects USD as currency in our prestashop store the calculations of Amount are done In USD and when the customer select INR as currency in our prestashop store the calculations of amount are in INR. i found no problem here , when the customer use carrier as Fedex and proceeds for payment i have following problems.


1. when in my prestashop the currency selected is INR and proceeded for payment it jumps to fedex site and the payment is calculated in INR.Note: Working Fine.

2. when in my prestashop the currency selected is USD and proceeded for payment it jumps to fedex site and the payment is calculated in INR. Note Error's or wrong.

eg . 60$ give me 60INR.


Please help me.

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