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[solved]can't modify shipping carriers in back office

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attempting usps and in store pickup for u.s. zone with u.s. buyer by weight. everything in bo/shipping appears to work except saving carriers config.


i get this error: An error occurred while creating object. carrier

which has to do with this error: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/secretuser/public_html/secretdir/tabs/AdminCarriers.php on line 272

and if i get too carried away in phpmyadmin i get this error(with white page of doom): Fatal error: "no default carrier"


i currently have a carrier showing up in cart for the first time but it's a jumbled mess as far as it's configuration because i'm not sure of the settings in phpmyadmin for the carriers as the order isn't the same and the names aren't quite descriptive enough for me to determine. manually editing the database is not ideal however as my shipping will be getting more complicated as i finish the site.


i would appreciate any help in finding a remedy to the cause of the error in back office.



i added a column in database via phpmtyadmin with these instructions from bug tracker "You need to execute this SQL query to your database (replace PREFIX, by your tables prefix) : ALTER TABLE `PREFIX_carrier` ADD `is_free` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `is_module`;"


i had also previously replaced admin-dev/tabs/AdminCarriers.php, classes/Carrier.php, and classes/Cart.php from svn here: http://svn.prestashop.com/trunk/ don't know if that had anything to do with it though just wanted to add that here in case it helps.


no errors when modifying carriers in back office!

Edited by andriesinfoserv (see edit history)
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