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My shop http://www.lovestation.com.au (prestashop v1.3.2) is almost 1 year old and it has been fine for most of time. just receiently I found out there are 162 Duplicate meta descriptions and title tags in google webmaster tool: for example:








Looks like all products that are under a categry are also apear under root. e.g. this url is right: /bady-dolls/90-lingerie-l0005.html, but why it is also under the root: /90-lingerie-l0005.html?


Could someone help with this please? Thank you so much!

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Have you just started using Google webmaster or have you been using it for the last year? I'm just checking that the duplicates haven't been there all along, and you only recently discovered them.


It's a frustrating situation isn't it? I think it's Google's error, I have a persistent single example of the same thing and am waiting for Google to clean the problem up as the root/product duplicate URL doesn't even exist, it resolves as a category/product URL.


Have you tried Presto-Changeo's Duplicate URL module? It seems to fix a lot of these problems and it's not expensive. Have you checked if these duplicates appear in your sitemap?


The most annoying thing is that even after you have fixed it, you have to wait and wait while Google gets around to noticing that you've fixed it.

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Thank you so much for reply. I have been using google web master tool since the shop was created and have been monitoring my shop almost every day. The 162 duplicate urls are just appeared in google web master tool a week ago.


Obviously ever simple product is listed under a category so the right url should be something like: http://www.lovestation.com.au/bady-dolls/90-lingerie-l0005.html


However, I have checked the duplicate url and the url http://www.lovestation.com.au/90-lingerie-l0005.html (the url under root) exists! So I don’t think it is google web master tool’s mistake. It is Prestashop’s fault!

My question is how can I remove all products urls under root? Thank you!

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Strange, sounds like Google have followed your sitemap then found the products can be indexed without the category name by using just the product name & number. Is it just in the category Babydoll? because I noticed that the category has the friendly URL as Badydoll & not Babydoll.

Canonical URL's can be activated in modules > tools in 1.3.2

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