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Translation of welcome email


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I have just started looking into Prestashop, think this looks quite impressive!


I wanted to check out the possibilities for translating the interface, and that seemed to work well. Except I could not find a place to translate the content of the Welcome-mail with account login details.


Didn't I look good enough, or is this not implemented yet? In the latted case, can this be done by directly editing account.html & account.txt under mails/ ?

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Hi janeri,


Welcome to the PrestaShop Forum!


You are correct, one has to manually translate the content of the e-mails sent to customers by PrestaShop software.  These e-mails are found in [your PrestaShop root directory]/mails.


Simply make a duplicate of the folder you'll be translating (for example, /mails/en), rename the folder with the two-letter ISO code used by the new language you added in the Back Office >> Tools >> Languages (for example, "/mails/es" for Spanish), then translate each file with any text editor.  Be sure not to change the names of the files, however.


You can also manually translate:


  • [li]The PDF invoice text directly at: /class/PDF.php -- Within this class, there's only a static array declared for containing the translations. Copy line 28 up to 65, type a comma after the bracket in line 65, paste all in and translate all the words after the '=>' (info courtesy of
[li]Legal (in the Info Block module) at: theme/default/mentions.tpl[/li]
[li]Conditions (in the Info Block module) at: theme/default/conditions.tpl[/li]


We are aware that this is a rather cumbersome way to translate these documents; in a future version we will integrate the translation of these e-mails into the Back Office translation tool. :)

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Thanks for prompt and clear reply,


editing the files directly works well for me for the time being. Just have to make sure I use the right character encoding when saving the file (I am a Norwegian, using characters like æ, ø, å, Æ, Ø and Å)

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